Hey. It's better than if they win the series. God forbid!! Who wants to endure car flipping, looting and arson.Hopefully some convict Doyer fans dont beat the crap out of some helpless Cards fan in the parking lot.
Hey. It's better than if they win the series. God forbid!! Who wants to endure car flipping, looting and arson.Hopefully some convict Doyer fans dont beat the crap out of some helpless Cards fan in the parking lot.
Or a top notch farm system. Either way your chances of either are low.
Hey, it worked for Joe Kelly lol.
Seriously.... I'm not sure where he was going with that.Surely you're not suggesting that the Dodgers have a top-notch farm system?![]()
Puig finally got a hit after going 0-11...the plays you so graciously showed were plays that ended an inning...a guy was thrown out at home..., a bases loaded incident that they got out of....
I would expect this from a sCrUBS fan since you have no idea how to act in the post season........STFU![]()
Hopefully some convict Doyer fans dont beat the crap out of some helpless Cards fan in the parking lot.
Surely you're not suggesting that the Dodgers have a top-notch farm system?![]()
Wow, You are really one bitter little piece of shit - lol
"Hey look a beach ball! hehehe"
-Doyers fans during the game
I don't like Puig at all. He has so much hype that I think it has gotten to his head. He really needs to be shown that he is only a rookie
Surely you're not suggesting that the Dodgers have a top-notch farm system?![]()
No I'm not Hammer, he suggested that the Dbacks would be better if their payroll was as flexible as the Dodgers'. I said either that or a top notch farm system. I'm basically saying Arizona sucks.
Yeah Arizona suck so bad they have more division titles than LA since 1998. In fact if you want to see what a WS trophy looks like post 2000 stop by Chase Field and have a look.
What about post 1910? What should I do?
Travel south to U.S. Cellular Field lol
When you spend a shit-ton of money and potentially lose in the NLCS after everyone predicted you to be a world series favorite, its gotta hurt. I get it.
At least when we spent that kind of money back in 2001, we won the world series.
Brad Kallet: Arrogant, Unlikable Yasiel Puig Plays Game The Wrong Way « CBS New York
If it's a white player doing it, it's considered passionate and gritty. If they're black or latino, it's arrogant!