Give the man some credit. He is less hard right than some of our other friends around here.
Me giving him a hard time has nothing to do with how far right he is or isn't.
Give the man some credit. He is less hard right than some of our other friends around here.
Funny the so called conservative bashing the right wing again .
Yes they did. 40 years ago, kids were not inundated with social media and glorifying of the murderer.
I'll leave that to the Trump haters... well,, you guys![]()
Fair game now brother! Obummer and hrc started it
I'll be honest,, I never knew this coin (token) even existed until this very day. I'm sure 90% of America don't know either. The Klan today exist of 2,500 to 5,000 members at best as I understand. A handful of assholes who should be taken out back and shot but certainly not a group who should be taken serious, or in fear of. You mention the phrase America First and what it means to you, but I think you give DT a dis-service if you think he was thinking klan when he coined the phrase MAGA, or mentioning America first. Frankly, I wouldn't give him that much credit. I think it's unfortunate however you feel this way because I don't believe Trump has any evil KKK intent, but I can understand perhaps why you do. I'm as white as they come but would hold the door open for a black person same as I would a white. I truly believe most whites or blacks would for each other. I also believe 90% of white Trump supporters would show the same kind of respect. You see a Trump bumper sticker and you see an asshole driver. I see a driver who just want's themselves and their children to live in a land where law and order is equal to all. Where opportunity comes to Americans first. Where having the right to protect their family in a lawless land is not made criminal in itself upon them. Listen, will never have racial harmony but I know not one white person who uses the N word... not one...but I hear it daily in black culture. Why it's a form of greeting on one side but a life altering event on the other is logic that i'll never understand. How can whites forget about a word if blacks won't.
Hey, don't blame you for hating on the phrase America First or MAGA but I think you have it all wrong,, and that's unfortunate even to yourself.
absolutely not, but as i have shown over and over again these illegals ( no matter where they come from ) cause way more problems then they solve and are hardly the innocent victims they are portrayed by the leftist
every illegal immigrant is a LAW BREAKER . i know you are all about race and cant see past it but it isnt about race in 2019 . but you still think its the 50"s
its really simple , come here legally , fix our laws to allow for it , and stop gaming asylum laws
i know one thing for sure , if these were potential Trump supporters your tune would change on a dime
every leading democrat a few years ago wanted the wall and tougher immigration ( or so they said ) and now that we have someone who actually does something about it , well principals be damned
They're just not as organized or have the number of members...yet. I can only believe however if they did they would IMO be lynching far right wingers... to your enjoyment no doubt.When Antifa starts lynching black folks and marching to the tune of Jews will not replace us... you might have a point.
Until then, its a false equivalency.
Yes, id hold the door open for a black guy same as I would a white. More than I could probably say for you, and that's a shame. Respect starts at home. I grew up it a home with a mom and pop who taught me the value of respect. The value of a human life. The value of human decency. Ima guessing you grew up in a house full of chaos. un-order. Kids everywhere. Pops probably not around much. Off drinking. Just guessing from your resentment towards the world and your blame of everyone not black. To call me a racist (which you just did) because you simply can't believe anything a white man says tells me you have mounted bitterness in your heart from a world long since past. You hold every white person in contempt because of a few bad apples that have treated your race disgracefully. You are part of the problem, my man. Certainly not part of any solution. Keep on hating. See where it takes ya.You'd hold the door open for a black guy?? That's it I'm convinced. You couldn't POSSIBLY be racist now!
Yes, id hold the door open for a black guy same as I would a white. More than I could probably say for you, and that's a shame. Respect starts at home. I grew up it a home with a mom and pop who taught me the value of respect. The value of a human life. The value of human decency. Ima guessing you grew up in a house full of chaos. un-order. Kids everywhere. Pops probably not around much. Off drinking. Just guessing from your resentment towards the world and your blame of everyone not black. To call me a racist (which you just did) because you simply can't believe anything a white man says tells me you have mounted bitterness in your heart from a world long since past. You hold every white person in contempt because of a few bad apples that have treated your race disgracefully. You are part of the problem, my man. Certainly not part of any solution. Keep on hating. See where it takes ya.
What, that you're a racist too? Thats right,, it's only fashionable to call white people racist.
What, that you're a racist too? Thats right,, it's only fashionable to call white people racist.
My statement can still hold true to him regardless of race.He aint black bruh... nor is he Mexican, Muslim or any of the other usual suspects.
And i cant be racist.. I love white people.. especially the women.![]()
It's anything but irrelevant. The states along the border include California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. They hold a total of 109 electoral votes. Almost one half of the amount needed to become president. You may not give two shits about who your president is but Im guessing most everyone else does. Jeepers.Actually as I have pointed out many times, they are far more innocent then you, the president, and the maga crowd claim.
You claim to have a problem with it because it's illegal yet you lack this passion for other common crimes. You also don't support making it easier for these people to immigrate which would help you, your fellow Americans, and these immigrants all while cutting down on the illegal aspect you claim to hate so much.
The fact that you constantly bring up how they might vote is telling. I couldn't give 2 shits about how they vote. It's irrelevant. Not to mention I'm guessing we don't have a great idea on how they'd vote anyways (at least if the gop would stop demonizing them for a minute). You seem to be a bit scared of the potential demographic change though.
Stop being guided by emotion based on an anecdotal personal experience.
Too summarize.. a celebration of diversity turns violent by antifa members. Reporter covering the event gets punched among other disturbances such as blocking roads near a hospital. Later the antifa members gather at a bar and when members of the patriot prayer group show up to peacefully protest them the antifa members turn violent again.
This is the article you defend. Wow.. and you think Trump supporters are the problem. You defend acts of violence toward peace makers. Nice guy you are... and you call us ignorant.. next time double read the article before inserting head up your ass. Cant make this stuff up.
Illegal Alien Charged With Exploiting Workers, Owning 14 Firearms
People on this board support this by looking the other way , or saying it’s ok to steal identities
too bad the dad was at fault7-year-old girl is reunited with her dad 326 days after the Trump admin tore them apart
Here’s a story that probably warms the cockles of libhater’s heart:
7yo ripped from her dads arms while sleeping, detained at the border, separated for 300+ days.
They're just not as organized or have the number of members...yet. I can only believe however if they did they would IMO be lynching far right wingers... to your enjoyment no doubt.
Yes, id hold the door open for a black guy same as I would a white. More than I could probably say for you, and that's a shame. Respect starts at home. I grew up it a home with a mom and pop who taught me the value of respect. The value of a human life. The value of human decency. Ima guessing you grew up in a house full of chaos. un-order. Kids everywhere. Pops probably not around much. Off drinking. Just guessing from your resentment towards the world and your blame of everyone not black. To call me a racist (which you just did) because you simply can't believe anything a white man says tells me you have mounted bitterness in your heart from a world long since past. You hold every white person in contempt because of a few bad apples that have treated your race disgracefully. You are part of the problem, my man. Certainly not part of any solution. Keep on hating. See where it takes ya.
My statement can still hold true to him regardless of race.