Well-Known Member
I very recently spent about a year working in health care in West Baltimore as a white male in management. Before that I did the same in North Philly. If you weren’t from FL I’d be willing to bet I’ve experienced racism directed towards me more recently than you.
Bruh.. come on Israel? Stolen? Please. 1 side can’t live in harmony with the other.. hint it’s not the Jews
Also I would be willing to bet your opinion about Israel was much different than it was 2 years ago before this thread took off and trump etc
Btw I just watched a Black Klansman.... really really really enjoyed the movie until the last 5 minutes. Check it out if you haven’t, you will like the last 5 minutes.
IM not going to play the whole i have experienced more racism dick measuring game. I will take you at your word on it. I will say that in a twisted way the fact that white people are actually experiencing it in America over the last 25 or so years is some kind of bizzaro balancing act. Because as little as 40 years ago (within our life times) that would be unheard of.
Israel didnt exist as a country until the UN lead by America deemed that it should be a country despite the protests of the people who had actually been living there and claimed ownership of the land over the last I dont know 1000 years. Those people being the Palestinians.
I saw BlacKKKlansman in the movies on opening night. I agree it was an excellent movie, although I realize it would rub some people the wrong way and especially the last 5 minutes or so.