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The Scorpio
Dec 2, 2016
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EDIT: Had to remove the previous post due to a character limit.

A true racist doesnt always declare to the world that he is in fact a racist. Racism comes in many forms.

Yes, and accusations are merely that. Accusations. The number of them don’t matter if none are ever proven to be true.

Yes and no. Accusations are also often more than accusations. And when there is a significant volume of credible accusations thats a massive red flag. I think thats pretty indisputable.

But, there is not a sufficient volume of credible accusations.

This counterargument doesnt apply when your being sued by the DOJ (though Im not sure its a good one even if it were somebody else suing).

He settled the case.

He settled. So, your best example was settled out of court which proves nothing, as the rich will often settle out of court to avoid negative press.

No, I am providing it as part of Donald Trump's past. Why was he so determined to have the death penalty without evidence?

Why? I don’t know. Neither do you. But you’re instantly willing to chalk it up to racism, with zero evidence.

Why when evidence showed it was not them, did he deny that?

Why? I don’t know. Neither do you. But you’re instantly willing to chalk it up to racism, with zero evidence.

OJ is not a similar case - these men were exonerated by DNA evidence.

My point remains. Acquittal does not mean innocent, though, I’ll take your word these men are. Why does Trump maintain? If he still does I can only assume it’s either from being unaware, or stubborn. Both are bad. But, it’s a far cry from racism.

The argument does not fall apart. Youve shown nothing to prove that quote is false. Now of course - I showed nothing to prove it was true. But as I pointed out Trump himself said the book was probably true. And while that specific remark is not corroborated (or disputed) by any other witnesses (we dont know there were any anyways), there are many other claims from former employees and people who have known Trump of his racism.

In a court of law, the burden would be on the accuser to prove it true. As to the second, no, you claimed Trump said that….cite WHERE he specifically said it was likely true. And, if so, PROVIDE these employers examples and evidence. Until you do, it’s hearsay and, not evidence of ANYTHING.

Now sure - could they ALL be lying? I guess. But if you once again dismiss that and don't find it concerning, I think you have some questions to ask yourself.

As for dismissing “multiple claims”, the problem there is when you’re as famous, rich, powerful and polarizing as Trump, you’re going to have far more accusations, true or false, than most people ever would. People could lie being disgruntled (Amarosa for example), or looking to hurt Trump career wise or politically, but in a digital age it’s very surprising Trump’s NEVER ONCE been shown saying or doing anything racist, despite “so many” claims from employees apparently he does? If you don’t find that curious, I think you have some questions to ask yourself.

I mean - I guess? Why not dismiss everything he says as a joke except the parts you like? Words matter.

Words do matter, but so does context.

What other reason did Trump have for pushing birtherism?

The same reason everyone did…if Obama was not a citizen he could not be President!

Why did he leap to that conclusion? And yes, why did so many other people jump right on board and buy in without any evidence?

Probably because it was plausible? His father wasn’t American, he was a bastard of a hippie mother who was often abroad and it wasn’t immediately produced to silence criticism. And, conspiracy in this case grew because it took SO LONG to produce the birth certificate. I could provide mine within the hour. Why was the President unable to do so for so long? It seemed sketchy, so anyone that felt he wasn’t a citizen felt lack of evidence of his authenticity meant he was illegitimate.

Yeaaaaa somebody with the username whitegenocidetm is probably racist. And would you look at that a cursory search finds blatantly anti-semitic tweets from that account. Gee what a surprise.

Arguable, but I’ll say when I used to use Twitter, I didn’t look at every persons username, much less visit their page to see who they were.

Here is the post i was referring to.

Trump's Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims

Its blatantly false. It is not seemingly credible. And if the president of the united states thinks that is credible he is either racist or extremely stupid (or both).

I’ll grant you, the president shouldn’t tweet things out without verifying it first. You must forgive me though if someone not fact checking a tweet is akin to racism, as if it were 99% of Twitter users are.

In context: Trump's racial comments about federal judge

So your argument is he's just xenophobic not racist? Thats...bold.

On June 2, 2016, Trump told the Wall Street Journal that Curiel had "an absolute conflict" in presiding over the litigation given that he is "of Mexican heritage" and a member of a Latino lawyers’ association. (When Trump said in a separate interview that Curiel "is a member of a club or society, very strongly pro-Mexican" in referfence to the group, PolitiFact National rated his statement Mostly False.) Trump told the journal the judge’s background was relevant because of his campaign stance against illegal immigration and his pledge to seal the southern U.S. border. "I’m building a wall. It’s an inherent conflict of interest," Trump said.

See, this isn’t racist. He wasn’t claiming him unable to judge based on his race but because he’s part of a Mexican-proud organization. It’s nationalistic perhaps and even rude but not racist.

No it was not. He said "ALL MUSLIMS".

In ONE example he said that, when, talking quickly to a crowd (and Trump struggles with public speaking anyway), he said “all Muslims”. In hundreds of times before and after he’d say radical Islam, or extreme Islam, etc. Anyone with common sense, anyone not blatantly biased knew he didn’t mean ALL Muslims from anywhere. And, Trump himself came out clarifying he didn’t mean ALL Muslims.

Look - when you have to explain away every statement a man makes about minorities as, "well ya see he didnt really mean what he said" thats a problem.

When you take a partial truth and make it a lie, that’s a problem. As stated above, ONE TIME Trump said “all Muslims”. That’s what the left uses to justify the bullshit lie that he means ALL Muslims when he had often before and continually after said me meant Muslims from spheres of islamic terrorism. AS EVIDENT BY THE FACT THAT HE NEVER TRIED BANNING ALL MUSLIMS.

Well, both.

Aye, your mind is made of regardless of a lack of evidence. Bet you think Kavanaugh tried raping Ford, and the Covington boys started the shit with the old man.

"Oh yea who cares about a little racial profiling and infringing on peoples rights - he caught some of those dang illegals! Worth it!"

Racial profiling works. It’s demonstrable. It’s also unethical. So, it’s a complicated practice….doing something wrong, despite it’s effectiveness. it’s just a matter of whether you think it’s justifiable. I’m honestly on the fence on it, to be honest. As for ALLEGEDLY infringing on the rights of criminals, alleged by criminals? I don’t care. Fuck them. Infringing on illegals? They have no rights, as they are not citizens. Treat them humanely, sure, but, if they get upset by it? Who cares?

No? You're free to post his quote with full context if you like - there was nothing wrong with what I said though.

Sigh, if you insist.

“I think there is blame on both sides. You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.”

That’s his exact quote. And he’s absolutely right. Literally word for word. Unless you feel there was no one of value on either side, there was an over abundance of white nationalists on the side defending the statues, and an overabundance of antifa, BLM and communists on the side attacking the right. Both sides got violent, both sides looking for a fight. So, Trump’s right. And, the motivations of people on both sides range from hateful, to noble.

He drew the outrage of far more than leftist media.

- Tangential Sidebar -

This is a really common defense of racism and other trumpisms - "the leftists and leftist media were outraged".

It’s true. That’s why it’s a good defense.

Trump is extremely unpopular DESPITE a strong economy.

That is a lie.

People of many walks of life, races, and political beliefs think he's a racist and an idiot and a sexist and on and on.

People of many walks of life, races, and political beliefs think he’s NOT a racist, is brilliant, and a great President, and on and on.

For one - everybody you refer to as "leftists", as though that should be some insult, makes up a massive portion of the country.

No. Leftists is an insult, and progressives are evil. The left, as in democrats and liberals, make up a large portion of the country. Leftists make up a small, but belligerently loud and violent and activist portion of that left side. Leftists are cowards, and human trash. Democrats/liberals are just people….I disagree with them on many things but they’re just folks.

But plenty of independents and conservatives feel the same way. Some people still care more about country than party.

- End Sidebar -

I’d say it’s the democrats who care more about party than country. And FWIW, plenty of RHINOs have opposed and undermined Trump all along.


The Scorpio
Dec 2, 2016
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If it were just that he were supported by a few racists you'd have a point. But thats not the situation.

EVERY politician is supported by racists! Obama was! It’s just his racists were from the left side of the spectrum. You are foolishly equating racism with ONLY WHITE NATIONALS. White nationals love Trump because Trump is a NATIONALIST. But he’s not a WHITE nationalist. Jesus Christ. You can tell the difference, right?? RIGHT??

Instead, he frequently says things that draw their outright praise and excitement. He retweets them. He struggles to criticize them without qualifying the statement by saying something positive about them or something negative about "the other side".

So what? Racism should be condemned/shamed, right? Your words? Why do you feel that only applies to white racism? I’m all for Trump criticizing BOTH sides’ racists.

Its not supposed to be hard to disavow racism. Its damn concerning that Trump struggles with it so much.

He doesn’t struggle with it. He literally does so EVERY time it’s brought up.

It is racist. Its not a homicidal foreign culture invasion. Sheesh.

No, that’s ignorant, and excuse me if I won’t let your ignorance and nativity put others in harms way. And fearing a culture of violence IS- NOT - RACISM!

No. It was a series of deeply concerning actions and words by Trump.

Several of them are pretty damning on their own - as a whole their completely inexcusable.

Wrong. You listed several things, and none of them are verifiable. The closest you have is Trump retweeted a guy named WhiteGenocide’s inaccurate meme. Nothing you provided was damning, and you had to reach to even construe some as, but hoped the number of them would appear to make your case. You can shoot a million blanks of non-evidence at me, or one bullet of evidence, and guess which would kill my argument? Right, the real bullet. Which you don’t have. Firing those blanks might be loud but, harmless, and frankly, just annoying.

You could want secure borders without being racist, I agree. I have a hard time saying the same about demanding a wall, presenting immigrants in the worst possible light, tearing families apart, and making things as difficult as possible for innocent people just to reach that goal.

ILLEGAL immigrants. ILLEGAL. Trump doesn’t shit talk ACTUAL immigrants. Stop lying. Ripping families apart? They make that choice when they risk coming here illegally. Another lie. Making this as difficult as possible? Another lie. He’s done nothing to make actual immigration harder, in fact, the opposite.

Ahh another straw man. Backing tough cops isnt racist. Good thing thats not what I said.

He backed a cop you tried to construe as racist. You failed.

Backing and pardoning racist discriminatory cops is racist. Big difference.

Agreed. But Trump didn’t do that.

Well I agree, the man makes a case for his own stupidity damn near every day. But that doesnt make him not racist.

You…you didn’t just seriously say that did you?

Who said criticism of someone of a different race was automatically racism?

No one, to be fair. Just making sure we’re on the same page. It appeared you were equating things like Trump questioning Obama’s origin of birth as racism, when it’s not, so you can see why I’d have to clarify.

Why are you making up things to argue against?

Again, too clarify. Your arguments are poor, and you keep calling things racism that aren’t. By definition. Hence, I’m trying to understand.

If my arguments are so fragile then argue against them - you should have no problem. Don't lie about what they are and argue those points.


A true racist doesnt always declare to the world that he is in fact a racist. Racism comes in many forms.

True, a subversive would keep it hidden, though most racists are outright racist because they’re, y’know, proud and feel themselves superior? I agree racism comes in many forms, and from every race. My point is, when you hear Trump say he’s not a racist and hates racists you think, “Pfft, closet racist”, rather than take him at his word…and he would be the best authority on what he is and isn’t.


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The vast majority of the young women that are smuggled into the country across the border for the purpose of sex trafficking, that have been saved, have expressed the opinion that they want the wall built.

I've heard the # is OVER TEN THOUSAND a year. And another number I've heard is 80%. 80% of young women that try to come to America illegally, are raped.

But I don't hear or see Leftists showing any concern for this aspect. Why is that?


US ARMY retired /mod.
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If it were just that he were supported by a few racists you'd have a point. But thats not the situation.

EVERY politician is supported by racists! Obama was! It’s just his racists were from the left side of the spectrum. You are foolishly equating racism with ONLY WHITE NATIONALS. White nationals love Trump because Trump is a NATIONALIST. But he’s not a WHITE nationalist. Jesus Christ. You can tell the difference, right?? RIGHT??

Instead, he frequently says things that draw their outright praise and excitement. He retweets them. He struggles to criticize them without qualifying the statement by saying something positive about them or something negative about "the other side".

So what? Racism should be condemned/shamed, right? Your words? Why do you feel that only applies to white racism? I’m all for Trump criticizing BOTH sides’ racists.

Its not supposed to be hard to disavow racism. Its damn concerning that Trump struggles with it so much.

He doesn’t struggle with it. He literally does so EVERY time it’s brought up.

It is racist. Its not a homicidal foreign culture invasion. Sheesh.

No, that’s ignorant, and excuse me if I won’t let your ignorance and nativity put others in harms way. And fearing a culture of violence IS- NOT - RACISM!

No. It was a series of deeply concerning actions and words by Trump.

Several of them are pretty damning on their own - as a whole their completely inexcusable.

Wrong. You listed several things, and none of them are verifiable. The closest you have is Trump retweeted a guy named WhiteGenocide’s inaccurate meme. Nothing you provided was damning, and you had to reach to even construe some as, but hoped the number of them would appear to make your case. You can shoot a million blanks of non-evidence at me, or one bullet of evidence, and guess which would kill my argument? Right, the real bullet. Which you don’t have. Firing those blanks might be loud but, harmless, and frankly, just annoying.

You could want secure borders without being racist, I agree. I have a hard time saying the same about demanding a wall, presenting immigrants in the worst possible light, tearing families apart, and making things as difficult as possible for innocent people just to reach that goal.

ILLEGAL immigrants. ILLEGAL. Trump doesn’t shit talk ACTUAL immigrants. Stop lying. Ripping families apart? They make that choice when they risk coming here illegally. Another lie. Making this as difficult as possible? Another lie. He’s done nothing to make actual immigration harder, in fact, the opposite.

Ahh another straw man. Backing tough cops isnt racist. Good thing thats not what I said.

He backed a cop you tried to construe as racist. You failed.

Backing and pardoning racist discriminatory cops is racist. Big difference.

Agreed. But Trump didn’t do that.

Well I agree, the man makes a case for his own stupidity damn near every day. But that doesnt make him not racist.

You…you didn’t just seriously say that did you?

Who said criticism of someone of a different race was automatically racism?

No one, to be fair. Just making sure we’re on the same page. It appeared you were equating things like Trump questioning Obama’s origin of birth as racism, when it’s not, so you can see why I’d have to clarify.

Why are you making up things to argue against?

Again, too clarify. Your arguments are poor, and you keep calling things racism that aren’t. By definition. Hence, I’m trying to understand.

If my arguments are so fragile then argue against them - you should have no problem. Don't lie about what they are and argue those points.


A true racist doesnt always declare to the world that he is in fact a racist. Racism comes in many forms.

True, a subversive would keep it hidden, though most racists are outright racist because they’re, y’know, proud and feel themselves superior? I agree racism comes in many forms, and from every race. My point is, when you hear Trump say he’s not a racist and hates racists you think, “Pfft, closet racist”, rather than take him at his word…and he would be the best authority on what he is and isn’t.
dude simply hates trump and wouldnt listen to a fact at all . he thinks with emotion , accusations are FACTS in his state of mind


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Jumping into the Democratic primary, former KKK grand wizard David Duke has thrown his support behind Democratic Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

Duke, who embraces bigoted and discriminatory political and social views, said he believes Gabbard will “finally…put America first.”

The comment seemed to swipe President Trump who Duke endorsed in 2016 (Trump disavowed the endorsement). Mantras Trump adopted early into the campaign were “Make America Great Again” and “America First.”

Interesting , the poster boy for the white supremacist whom morons ascribe to Trump and Republicans is now backing a democrat . I guess they are the democratic base now ?


US ARMY retired /mod.
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According to Gary Kleck Criminologist from FSU guns save 760,000 lives per year . This pattern has held for 23 years .

Don’t hear this from progressive liberal Democrats


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Ebb does this poll count ? Or should we take it with a grain of salt ? It
Favors me but I take it with a grain of salt


US ARMY retired /mod.
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How about this CNN poll should I keep my poll policy up ? It favors me
Or should I take it at arms length like I feel polls should ?


US ARMY retired /mod.
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The more Americans who get off food stamps, the unhappier the Democrats are—and their faces show it. Government dependency is their currency as a political party

Look at their faces


US ARMY retired /mod.
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How about this CBS. Poll ebb. ? How long do I have to keep this silliness up before you understand polls aren’t trustworthy ? Another one in my favor by the way


US ARMY retired /mod.
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What's up w/ Sen Mazie Hirono? She sat on her rear instead of cheering a little girl fighting cancer or supporting the effort to fight cancer. Hawaii is a beautiful state w/ great ppl. They can surely find someone who finds delight in a child kicking cancer!

Yeah no compromises coming


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Jumping into the Democratic primary, former KKK grand wizard David Duke has thrown his support behind Democratic Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

Duke, who embraces bigoted and discriminatory political and social views, said he believes Gabbard will “finally…put America first.”

The comment seemed to swipe President Trump who Duke endorsed in 2016 (Trump disavowed the endorsement). Mantras Trump adopted early into the campaign were “Make America Great Again” and “America First.”

Interesting , the poster boy for the white supremacist whom morons ascribe to Trump and Republicans is now backing a democrat . I guess they are the democratic base now ?

Well, the original KKK was formed and its membership filled BY DEMOCRATS.

Democrats owned 100% of the slaves in America one year before the Civil War started.

Democrats fought against the abolition of slavery.

Democrats fought FOR Jim Crowe.

Democrats fought FOR Segregation.

Democrats fought AGAINST Civil Rights legislation all the way up to 1964, when the majority of them voted AGAINST it.

In contrast, the vast majority of Republicans voted FOR the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


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What's up w/ Sen Mazie Hirono? She sat on her rear instead of cheering a little girl fighting cancer or supporting the effort to fight cancer. Hawaii is a beautiful state w/ great ppl. They can surely find someone who finds delight in a child kicking cancer!

Yeah no compromises coming

She is a horrible human being.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Does this poll count ? 72% support his immigration policies from liberal CBS poll ? Or should we take that with a grain of salt as I do ? Or maybe ebb you are out of step the American people ? Maybe your poll was BS ? Or maybe we could agree polls don’t mean much as I stated before ? Your call


US ARMY retired /mod.
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