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Plan " B" at qb


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Aug 7, 2013
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Anyone want to talk about Watson’s 2 previous ACL. Injuries ? How many did RG3 have ? Hint 2
Fine, let's stay mediocre for another 10 - 20 years.


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Aug 7, 2013
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I don’t doubt watsons talents . I just wonder how he ended up with 4 wins .
Look at the Texans , they stink because of bad management stripping them of their future for quick fixes .

it could be 2024 before we can get this man some help via the draft

55 mil in cap space isn’t a whole lot . Take 15 mil off the top for sherff .( remember you are not likely to draft his equal in round 3 or less)

so you are at 40 mil not counting Watson’s cap impact

so now we will have lost RK ,Ironman or Payne / Allen or both ( maybe chase or sweat ) and expect that it will have the same level of play ,lb and safety won’t get addressed unless you say screw wr .

we have the first place schedule to play so you are saying Watson will overcome that get us 12 wins and a super bowl ?
I just don’t see a viable plan to put weapons in place for him
Four wins came because he had no talent around him. Washington currently has more talent than Houston comparatively speaking. He was still the yards leader in the entire NFL.

Let's talk about quick fixes or shortcuts as another poster referred to them. The best thing about them is, if you take the correct one, you get there a lot sooner.

I agree that 55M isn't a whole lot, but Rivera has employed a whole new team, make them earn their money by producing and (in my favorite dum-dum voice__ Bruce Allen) let them start "winning off the field!"

The NFC East is a boat load of cow dung at the moment, 7-9 won the division and every team except one (Giants) is in turmoil because of one thing or the other. You play the team that's in front of you and you play to win. That said, if there's any chance to win games with that first place schedule, that chance begins and ends with a player like Watson! Who else do you have that you can confidently say will do the same?

Ironman came in the 5th round, Payne the first, both play in the interior of the line, the easier of all positions to fill. RK, should have been traded a year or two ago. He's going elsewhere because he want to start. Net gained from keeping him, very, very little! Oh yeah, he get to be inducted into the ring of fame. :L


US ARMY retired /mod.
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US ARMY retired /mod.
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Four wins came because he had no talent around him. Washington currently has more talent than Houston comparatively speaking. He was still the yards leader in the entire NFL.

Let's talk about quick fixes or shortcuts as another poster referred to them. The best thing about them is, if you take the correct one, you get there a lot sooner.

I agree that 55M isn't a whole lot, but Rivera has employed a whole new team, make them earn their money by producing and (in my favorite dum-dum voice__ Bruce Allen) let them start "winning off the field!"

The NFC East is a boat load of cow dung at the moment, 7-9 won the division and every team except one (Giants) is in turmoil because of one thing or the other. You play the team that's in front of you and you play to win. That said, if there's any chance to win games with that first place schedule, that chance begins and ends with a player like Watson! Who else do you have that you can confidently say will do the same?

Ironman came in the 5th round, Payne the first, both play in the interior of the line, the easier of all positions to fill. RK, should have been traded a year or two ago. He's going elsewhere because he want to start. Net gained from keeping him, very, very little! Oh yeah, he get to be inducted into the ring of fame. :L
Possible 3rd round comp


US ARMY retired /mod.
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I say we don’t win those games with Watson


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Aug 7, 2013
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We have no idea that getting Watson changes that
What we know for certain is that teams that are bold enough to smartly take chances once in a while gets ahead, staying pat, playing low ball acquisitions, or, signing peaked/ retrograde talent has yielded this team exactly what under Bruce Allen's tenure? Keep in mind that by the time that this team gets either it's stopgap guy or a rookie is seasoned enough to have the confidence and control of this offense, there are numerous players who will no longer be here, same as always.

So, what we do know for certain, with this organization in particular, is NOT getting him changes nothing. Mediocre still is mediocre isn't it?


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Possible 3rd round comp
Geeez thanks!

Multiple teams interested in 2018, trade value extremely high.

The Ravens and Colts were interested in 2019 trade value dropping but better than a comp 3rd rounder.

Perhaps a contender interested in 2020, trade value dropping further, possibly a 3rd rounder.

2021 free agent, possible a 3rd round comp pick but likely none because you don't get comp picks unless the team loses more or better compensatory free agents than it acquires in the previous season. If the compensatory pick comes it will happen in 2022. The expected highly active role in free agency will likely net a zero comp pick for RK.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Even if Washington gives up a couple 1st rounders by the time they have a 1st rounder again he will still be under the age of 30


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Even if Washington gives up a couple 1st rounders by the time they have a 1st rounder again he will still be under the age of 30
In fact, he'll be 27 and coming off two straight playoff experiences. I'm not sure how deep they will go in those playoffs. Yes I'm that sure!


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Jul 21, 2013
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Nope trading for watson is stupid and when a another team gets him that team will not succeed because in there off season they can not get what they need they are stuck. Best way find a qb that can give you 24 points.. How many times has greenbay failed because they just needed more peieces and there FO failed Rogers is probaly the best qb in the nfl besides brady .. if you get watson we will always have peices not filled for 2 years then by then who knows . I dont understand how people think we are close wow there is Major issues with Watson that i dont want bring up but i will say it he is turning into a kapernick i said it styime is that what you are fishing for?????


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Jul 21, 2013
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With skins defense if we can at least score 24 pts we will win alot games to me Hienicke can do that .. what can Hienecke do against lets say the teams that are worse then Tampa ?? Lets find out Lets Find Out Lets Find Out Lets Find Out . He did good against Nfc Champs Lets Find Out


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I could not open it you guys will find it. New report out report shows stafford to Washington was unrealistic


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Jul 21, 2013
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Why does Watson hate Houston??


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
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1. Is it true that Mariotta, Carr, and Tyrod Taylor are second tier QB's? (mid to lower half of QB's by ranking)

2. What guarantees do we have that we are going to strike gold with any of the draft picks that are kept?

3. Would you rather have a bona fide star that attracts other players who want to come play with him, than good, middle of the road guys who keep you relevant but not championship level relevant. (the latter is the history of this team}

4. For the gun shy based upon history, what's the difference between going after big ticket free agents like Deion, Archuletta, Mcnabb, etc and a player like Watson?
I don't believe that Mcnabb was a FA when we acquired him. However, the big difference between the others and watson is that we didn't lose any draft or personnel capital in signing them. Watson will cost us half a team.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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in think we should all go back to the debate on whether making the playoffs with less then 9 wins would do .

i said point blank it would fuel unrealistic expectations of a losing team and fans thinking we are better then we are . how stupid is the "win now " mode ? how many more times do i have to see snyder ruin a good building process because we have to win NOW . fuck 7 wins ? every time it has been employed under snyder it has failed

as i said about the time we started allen that it would be better for us to have a top ten pick then win the division this last season because we need a qb and we would be out of range of the good ones . and i predicted have much moaning and groaning would go on because of it .

now we are ready to gut the defense and 2-3 drafts to get the franchise qb we all need , who can elevate mediocre talent (excluding last seasons 4 win debacle because his talent was below that to some but he couldnt make them even mediocre )

how do we beat an offer from the dolphins ? or the jets ? hell even the lions ? it would cost us more picks and more players and tossing out ionmans and collins and allens (last year of contract ) arent going to do it . to outbid the other teams we have only future 1st's to offer and future 2nds to offer . you will have to part with chase or sweat or both

all that for a guy who is statistically KC with better legs ( other then the 2 torn acls )

and lets not forget that every year the newest and greatest qbs enter the draft in the must have bonanza . arch manning is 3 years away

you all werent happy with KC putting up points and having a defense that couldnt stop anyone but now we will be happy with watson doing the same ?

maybe , just maybe , we should package some picks and see if we can get wilson or fields maybe the falcons will take a package that costs less the watson (plan C )

to me getting watson means you are going to win super bowls for the next few years . robinson and golladay (injured ) will cost money . and how do we pay for MAC ?


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Sep 3, 2014
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How many wins did that superb play get them ? 4 wins . If you gut the defense and the draft just what are you doing ?

The Texans were a very shitty team. The Skins aren't as shitty of a team. What are you talking about, gut the defense. Who's gutting the defense?


Well-Known Member
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Anyone want to talk about Watson’s 2 previous ACL. Injuries ? How many did RG3 have ? Hint 2
Watson was hurt and missed 9 games his rookie year. Since then, he could've started/played in 48 games at the very most, He's started/played 47 games of those 48.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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also the texans are under no obligation to trade him . he is under contract and i seriously doubt anything happens until TC when he doesnt show up .

to be honest the team with the best chance and a team ready to take the next step ( which we arent ) is the dolphins

if they offered Tua , and their 2 first rounders to houston , houston would snatch that up in a heart beat and the dolphins would as well

the dolphins are a 10 win team . with watson they and the bills will fight it out and both can make the AFC title game and compete with the chiefs . thats the type of team and the time you make that trade to get watson .

not at 7 wins and having to gut your team and future to get him and then you get capped out and have no draft picks much like the texans are now . that tunsil trade was their big error because they got into WIN NOW MODE and they made mistakes

what does all in for watson really mean ? if i say we will give you our entire 2021 and 22 drafts plus allen ionman young and sweat , is that "all in " ? all in is a BS term