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Pats accused of cheating again


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And I will answer your WR question HAMMER -

DA - Can he stay healthy? Can he work with Brady in pre season to get confidence back between the two
Edelman - Can he have the same season he had last year? Who knows, probably but that's not a given
Dropson - Has he learned the playbook?
Thompkins - He showed promise last season during pre season and glimpses of hope during the season but nothing special
The Rest - Haven't played with Brady.. Sure they have talent but can they learn the system and perform this year?

That's why imo they are a huge question mark for me


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
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And I will answer your WR question HAMMER -

DA - Can he stay healthy? Can he work with Brady in pre season to get confidence back between the two
Edelman - Can he have the same season he had last year? Who knows, probably but that's not a given
Dropson - Has he learned the playbook?
Thompkins - He showed promise last season during pre season and glimpses of hope during the season but nothing special
The Rest - Haven't played with Brady.. Sure they have talent but can they learn the system and perform this year?

That's why imo they are a huge question mark for me

He is getting a rise out of fans because he references that ESPN says the Pats are stacked when every other reliable source say they aren't. Denver is the most stacked on all sides and should go 19-0. Here is the general concensus posted earlier on ESPN

Anybody who expects better from ESPN at this point is a gullible dumbass. It's a funny comedic shtick, its funny and should laugh, all tongue and cheek


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
Ket'ha lowlands, Kronos
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BB could just try this next time, huh ?


I guess maybe Tomlin should have punched him out cold in an elevator - he'd have gotten less punishment. :pound:


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He is getting a rise out of fans because he references that ESPN says the Pats are stacked when every other reliable source say they aren't. Denver is the most stacked on all sides and should go 19-0. Here is the general concensus posted earlier on ESPN

Anybody who expects better from ESPN at this point is a gullible dumbass. It's a funny comedic shtick, its funny and should laugh, all tongue and cheek

Exactly.. ESPN hypes the Patriots the most every single year. I would be shocked if they didn't pick the Patriots to win the Super Bowl every year.


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Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Exactly.. ESPN hypes the Patriots the most every single year. I would be shocked if they didn't pick the Patriots to win the Super Bowl every year.

Funny thing is that I dont see any Pats fans expecting them or predicting them to win a SB. Playoffs sure and maybe AFCG, but not deep enough on both sides of the ball. With Wilfork and Mayo back , Jones having hopefully another big year, and addition to Revis, much improved D from last year. Beginning of last year, I predicted Denver and Seattle being in SB and seattle winning 27-24, off a little there. With what Denver had on O and adding Welker, and a very good D , saw them the best in AFC and Seattle was the quickest team I saw on D in 2012 and one of the quickest ever, if not quickest, and knew Wilson and Beastmode were good enough on O


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Funny thing is that I dont see any Pats fans expecting them or predicting them to win a SB. Playoffs sure and maybe AFCG, but not deep enough on both sides of the ball. With Wilfork and Mayo back , Jones having hopefully another big year, and addition to Revis, much improved D from last year. Beginning of last year, I predicted Denver and Seattle being in SB and seattle winning 27-24, off a little there. With what Denver had on O and adding Welker, and a very good D , saw them the best in AFC and Seattle was the quickest team I saw on D in 2012 and one of the quickest ever, if not quickest, and knew Wilson and Beastmode were good enough on O

I haven't seen any Pats fans saying they will win the Super Bowl or beating their chests saying this team is the best ever! Mayo and Jones need to step it up in the defensive side of the ball and I think now with Revis at CB it will free up some more room for them to actually go after the QB. Because as we all know the Patriots were not that good at pressuring the QB at all.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I haven't seen any Pats fans saying they will win the Super Bowl or beating their chests saying this team is the best ever! Mayo and Jones need to step it up in the defensive side of the ball and I think now with Revis at CB it will free up some more room for them to actually go after the QB. Because as we all know the Patriots were not that good at pressuring the QB at all.

Red if Espn writes or says it , it has to be gospel, just like National Enquirer or Star Magazine. Some posters dont realize its located in Bristol Ct ( ughh Hernandez city) and they are biased


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Red if Espn writes or says it , it has to be gospel, just like National Enquirer or Star Magazine. Some posters dont realize its located in Bristol Ct ( ughh Hernandez city) and they are biased

oh that's right.. How could I forget? I am a little shocked they didn't try to spin it and make Hernandez look innocent


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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oh that's right.. How could I forget? I am a little shocked they didn't try to spin it and make Hernandez look innocent

I'm sure his 300lb beastly cousin tried walking in with a heater for intimidation. She looks like Gorilla Moonsoon with a wig. Her husband mysteriously died during investigation, unless she rolled over him in bed , an adult Sids. SADS?

I hope that piece of shit Aaron gets raped everyday by mandingo type mofos. Killing innocent people, not even gang related crums. 2 kids in Boston because they spilled a drink or bumped into him?. He has no right breathing
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You just keep saying the same thing over and over like a little child MA.

Yes or no? Is a player who holds a cheater?

I'll succinctly answer any question you pose if you'll just answer mine...and by all means, qualify it as you'd like. You and all the trolls run from any actual discussion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You just keep saying the same thing over and over like a little child MA.

Yes or no? Is a player who holds a cheater?

I'll succinctly answer any question you pose if you'll just answer mine...and by all means, qualify it as you'd like. You and all the trolls run from any actual discussion.

Players lie and try to cheat all the time. How many times have you seen a player act or say they caught a ball, he clearly didn't. I've never seen any player go up to a ref and tell them he didn't score or he was out of bounds and so on.

The thing with spygate and dumbass fans......is that the Pats weren't the only team in the league doing it. The NFL sent out a memo to all 32 teams about this. Which means it was wide spread.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Answer this question:

What's worse? A: Video taping

But yeah... let's sweep that one under the rug


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Skins being used as a rag to wipe up the floor in scrimmage with the pats :L. FUCK!!!!!!!!

Damn y'all!


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Hoopla Cash
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The thing with spygate and dumbass fans......is that the Pats weren't the only team in the league doing it.

Then name one.

You can't.

But even if you could, THAT'S your defense?

"Guilty as charged, Your Honor but please let me off because others do the same thing."

Yeah, good luck with that bullshit. :rolleyes2:


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Then name one.

You can't.

But even if you could, THAT'S your defense?

"Guilty as charged, Your Honor but please let me off because others do the same thing."

Yeah, good luck with that bullshit. :rolleyes2:

I believe it was Herm Edwards who said he did it too... Howver... with that said... I agree with you on this one Hammer... That's a stupid excuse!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I believe it was Herm Edwards who said he did it too... Howver... with that said... I agree with you on this one Hammer... That's a stupid excuse!

no doubt they were caught red handed in first quarter of first game vs Jets in 07 season, guilty as charged. Just funny how some bring in the 01,03 and 04 SB when nothing was found. They have a film guy who was fired years back, and being digruntled , he says he filmed Rams walk-through and they prob did, boy you learn a lot from that. Hammer is right that they haven't won shit ( SB) in 10 years

Bill Cowher and Jimmy Johnson said same, but they never got caught. Thanks Mangini and may 1000 magpies eat your flesh
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