i'll have the last laugh
Dwyane Wade's cadaver and the grossly overrated Chris Bosh?
I doubt they could contend for a 7-8 seed...

you are not serious are you ?????
Dwyane Wade's cadaver and the grossly overrated Chris Bosh?
I doubt they could contend for a 7-8 seed...
I watched Watford kill Blackburn on Saturday. Lord they are awful
In the real world I haven't ever watch becks show, or read a single article...in years...literally..years.
He's the opposite side of the coin to the Rachel Maddow's that snuggles and his ilk get all their opinions from...
One day..you'll get it....I'm not a republican Snuggles..I know your media fed brain can't compute this, but I hate both major parties equally...one is wielding all the power RIGHT NOW therefore they are in my cross hairs more often...
But make no mistake...the #1 issue in this country right now? Is the unconstitutional powers that the current 2 party model creates...and only the naive believe the 2 parties don't work together to keep it exactly that way...or that 1 is any better than the other...
Tell us again how Celtics fans are bandwagoners...
That really made you look like an informed NBA fan...
Correct. Making that Leicester loss huge. No cushion left.
Still, given where Bolton were sitting on the table in December-January, this is way better than I expected. It's all Dougie Freedman.
There's a reason that no less than a dozen posters on this site have been undertaking a mission to write out "p o r n" in their favorite teams
david lee
nate robinson
jared jeffries
jamaal crawford
zach randolph
there's others too
I feel badly for them. Likely to be sent down to League One. Watch Millwall trounce them tomorrow...
"Celts in 4"
"Zero chance Bradley gets sent down"
...there is a good number of division 1 teams that are not on the list.....sam houston state has SH in their logo...but they are out of the southland conference so they are basically ignored....
...those smaller schools logo would offer more creativity.....
You're as republican as they come.
..i pat myself on the back that i'm probably the only one who was able to create a word using one of their favorite teams....
They have logos of sports leagues I never heard of
They have a logo of the Florida Marlins
But they don't have a logo of, say.... Xavier
you are not serious are you ?????
LOL.... Everything went the Knicks way on Saturday and they still should have lost.
Game 1 was an anomaly... Celtics in 5..
The Dino Radja era, when basketball was a dying sport in Boston.
i still think you should use villanova instead or virginia