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Overturned - Brady suspension vacated. Let's hear you bitch and moan. Crow $2 a plate

black francis

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patriots fans are even angry in victory


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what a bunch of dumb asses !!!! so does the nfl keep that million dollars and draft picks ? i want to see brady get hit hard using a ball the baby doesn't like ! billy kilmer
Like the 2nd half of the AFCCG :hurt:

black francis

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Im a Giants fan...Why would I hate the Pats? I wish we could play them 25 times a season

With that said, all the NFL had to go on was the evidence destroyed by Brady......That was always gonna be tough to prove

The stain will never go away, the guy is a proven cheater, its Over johnny

"What? you dont smash your phone before you get a new one?"


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Brady's Life Matters


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Judge Richard Berman ruled this way because:

1. No evidence that Tom Brady did anything at all. The Suspension was for not cooperating and the judge asked the league what information was held back by Brady in the multiple interviews by Ted Wells. The league had no information or suspected information that he withheld.

2. The process of the Commissioner appointing someone to give a penalty so that he could hear the appeal was basically illegal. He basically told the league that the Commissioner can't give directions and then hear an appeal on something he had a hand in delivering.

3. There is absolutely no comparison of suspensions for drug use and suspected cooperation in an investigation.

4. Major point was that Jeff Pash not being available to Brady or the NFLPA was illegal. Pash reviewed the Wells report before it was available.

5. Another major point was that the league could not give any percentage of why they gave Brady a four game suspension....either for any part in the deflating of balls or not cooperating.

6. Finally, the NFL did not have any evidence of wrong doing that could or would be upheld in a court of law.

The Court of Public Opinion is as concerning to Tom as the Court of Law

He lost in that court


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There's a PDF on various websites... I've already downloaded it and skipped through it. :D

Some key points that I picked up and likely missed others can fill in.

The attempt to compare Brady's infraction to sterods to justify the 4 game suspension was ripped apart as the BS it was.

Precedents based on the Jet's kicker Feeley(?) non-punishment on football equipment violation as was Favre's fine for non-compliance. Taglibue statement that he knows of no suspension in 40 years in the NFL for a player obstructing an investigation was bolded in my copy

Not be made aware of what punishments he could face for his offenses was cited.

The Pash things of course and the refusal of the NFL to provide all investigative documents to the Brady team were also cited.


To be honest the draft picks are more impactful than Brady's suspension. I mean it's like not having your potential starter for 4 years. I think the everyone agrees that some amount of cheating was definitely done, maybe Brady was involved. Brady and his lawyers just took complete advantage of the NFL's lack of evidence and used prior examples. Great job by his lawyers.


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There's a PDF on various websites... I've already downloaded it and skipped through it. :D

Some key points that I picked up and likely missed others can fill in.

The attempt to compare Brady's infraction to sterods to justify the 4 game suspension was ripped apart as the BS it was.

Precedents based on the Jet's kicker Feeley(?) non-punishment on football equipment violation as was Favre's fine for non-compliance. Taglibue statement that he knows of no suspension in 40 years in the NFL for a player obstructing an investigation was bolded in my copy

Not be made aware of what punishments he could face for his offenses was cited.

The Pash things of course and the refusal of the NFL to provide all investigative documents to the Brady team were also cited.
I wonder if the CBA outline rules the Commissioner must follow with regards to suspensions for infractions that are not specifically mentioned in it (steroids, drug tests, etc)? Precedents are very difficult because each case stands on it's own.

I had two main issues with how the NFL handled this from the start: the penalty was too severe and Goodell hearing the appeal. Most of the other stuff didn't bother me too much.

black francis

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thursday nights game moved to Boston


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patriots fans are even angry in victory

LMAO.......Youd be angry too if you couldnt just enjoy victories and have to spend your life defending them......

They should direct their anger at his gayness Tom


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I wonder how pissed Goodell is this morning:lm: hope he chockes on his coffee.