Certain drugs can be a vehicle for finding that "other dimension":
LSD is the classic. Fractals are said to be the basis/map of life; LSD trips are very fractal based and could be the reason why people claim to have "religous" type experience where they see the meaning of life.
Mushrooms can be similar, but I've never witnessed anything fractal.
DMT sounds interesting; haven't tried it.
Gravol (see above)
Even good ol' MJ can take you there somewhat if you know how.
Describe fractals. I saw a woman go Benjamin Button on me in about a minute, and I've seen sounds and heard colors... don't know what fractals are.
Probably easier to just show some fractal based art than describe what they are, other than fractals are infinite geometric figures...I think...lol
Face distortion (common LSD occurence):
I'll be with Lucy in the Sky w/ Diamonds next week. Looking forward to it.
Can't be found much in these parts. Shroomage is some of the best around here still, I believe.
I've yet to do shrooms. I hear shrooms is a little more wilder. More uncontrollable than LSD.
I've yet to do shrooms. I hear shrooms is a little more wilder. More uncontrollable than LSD.
It all depends. Just LSD can get pretty out of control, but a lot of it depends on your settings, the people around you. I always enjoyed shrooms more myself, but they can be really intense too. Imagine the feeling you get the first time you go down the first big hill of a really mean rollercoaster, like Millenium Force. Now, make the feeling a bit stronger, and make it last for four hours straight. Now imagine sensory overload to the point that anything more than sitting in an empty garage on a folding chair, listening to Dark Side Of The Moon and laughing is too much for your mind to handle. Shrooms are less visual, more body. They can both fuck with your head though, and they are not for everyone. You need to be in a good place in your life, in a setting you are comfortable with, with people you are comfortable with, and preferably with someone who has used psychedelics before. Me personally, I did LSD and shrooms when I was 17-21, and would probably never touch them again.
A black hole is an object so massive that its gravitational pull is so great that even light can't escape it, thus the "black" part. Matter absorbed by a black hole just make the black hole more massive.Black Holes: Millions Revealed By NASA's WISE Space Telescope
Add this to the what if hypotheticals. If matter cannot be created or destroyed, then what happens to matter that comes in contact with a black hole? What is a black hole?