I like your beard.
You mean we aren't just a bunch of sheep following what all the so called mesiah's have told us to do? For shame, the Vatican, Billy Graham, Osteen & many others will be so disappointed.
I don't follow the Vatican, and I have found encouragement from those other two, but humans taint everything. Just the way we are. We get our grubby hands on things and ruin 'em. That's why being a responsible Christian=taking everything you hear and learn from pastors and critically thinking about it. Use the Bible as your source. How can a Christian grow and mature without asking these questions? I had a pastor once who did sermons with little to no scriptural basis. Sorry sir, that's just you venting. There is nothing that angers me more than someone who claims to be a leader in a Christian environment and taints things. (Westboro Baptist makes me want to go Holy Roller...if I met them I'd have to be in constant prayer not to sock 'em in the jaw. However, I find some solace in knowing that anything I say or do would pale in comparison to the punishment God has for those who claim him in false ways.) Annnnd I'm ranting again.