Team Player
This is one of the more fascinating threads I've ever encountered. I'm not sure where it's heading but I am enjoying the ride.
What if we are being tricked, and what's wrong is right? What if Satan is the good guy, and God/Jesus is some ploy to think Heaven is a good place, when it is Hell in disguise?
What if God & all the stories were just made up so the Vatican & others could make a fortune & get the masses to do their bidding?
well that brought me back from oblivion..........
this is another one of those statements that just makes some blood boilI love these ones as well
I do believe in "hockey gods"
There is no god!!!!!!
"to be fair", i was away so Ill have to review the thread (plus I dont want to "ruin" anyone) but i find it hard to believe Dupster or maddog invented christianity
I can definitely understand that sentiment from a Leafs fan...
I do believe in "hockey gods"
You're Abel to do that?
This is all the proof I need that hockey Gods exist.
1 night I was at a game and it went into OT. I had plans to meet up with some people after the game and was going to be late because of OT. As a result I was texting a lot more than I normally would at a game and certainly a lot more than I wanted to during OT. While I was texting a puck flew up over the glass without me realizing it and just missed me. I took that as a warning sign from the hockey Gods.
The game went into double OT. They had already stopped selling beer. I had some in my car so I went out and snuck a few in and shared with some people around me. The hockey Gods definitely approved of this because as soon as I was finished my beer, my team scored the OT winner!
You're Abel to do that?
Yes I Cain.
I'm assuming this isn't NHL?