Well-Known Member
Ghost recon was another great game, but not as good as R6
I see that The Walking Dead game came out. I need to see some reviews before I download it, though I guess I can risk it sucking for $5.99
I just read reviews on IGN and Gamespot, they both like it. I will probably give episode one a shot over the weekend.
I played the entire Walking Dead game in the past two days. I liked it a lot. Its essentially a 'choose your own adventure' type game with action options and dialogue options but I liked the story and graphics. There are a few action scenes where you need to be quick. The whole thing too me about 4 hours so the $4.99 price is not bad.
Plus if I get bored I may go back and choose some other options.
From what I hear the only way the main character could possibly trip more often is if he had an IV of LSD hooked up the entire game.
Looking forward to Game of Thrones. Hope it doesn't disappoint.
Anyone play that Dragon Dogma yet? That looks pretty serious. Fantasy style shit, Devil May Cry-like fighting, Zombie apocalypse going on, Dragons and wyverns... I may just pick this up today.
that looks good. let me know how the game play is.
All out mayhem, I fucking love it. Jump onto one of the Chimera's three heads, start slashing away, jump to the next one, behead it. Shit is pretty awesome. So happy I got this instead of Game of Thrones.