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I don't give a fuck
Let me just say that I was actually looking forward to this game. I don't know why, because I know that I do not like MMOs. But the beta has flopped so horribly
To sum up most reviews: Very boring gameplay leading up to PvP which really, really, really sucks. The only people that will enjoy the PvP are people who enjoy button mashing and hoping for a good outcome. This game was supposed to reinvent MMOs and make them playable for people who aren't really MMO players, but sadly, it has flopped.
I find no satisfaction in slowly breaking down someone's wall and then just running in and button mashing. There is no true strategy in it. When will they realize that the MMO alone is basically just a huge fray of people fighting, which takes no skill whatsoever? They've tried to bring RPG elements into it, but it isn't enough. It doesn't take out the button mashing element of PvP. What they need to do to make PvP playable is to break it up into different modes. I'll let people have their endless and mindless button mashing 100 v 100 mode if they want it that bad. But lets look at other ways they could go about it.
Why couldn't they have brought in some FPS, and TPS elements and added more strategy to the game? I know you will say that its not an MMO then. Well. It can be an MMO. Lets say you walk up to someone's fort. You choose a point of entry. Depending on what point you chose, you get an objective to complete to get to the next part. So its all going on at the same time, but its controlled and strategic. Doesn't that sound like a masterpiece? And of course, you limit the number of people that can be in that certain place. But of course, it depends on the mode you're playing. Basically, you control how much of an MMO you want.
I was just expecting so much out of it since its an Elder Scrolls game. But they've made it just like any other MMO with no special qualities other than the fact that you can explore all of Tamriel, and there is a basic Elder Scrolls story line within each area. So the content is there, its just bland. The quests cannot compare to Skyrim's. They are very boring, rehash redo over and over. Here is how it goes basically: Walk up to random NPC. "Oh no, I lost this thing. If you get it for me, I'll reward you." Go to random location, kill 5 enemies, loot 10 things to find the lost thing. Return and get a stupid reward that you will never use.
The combat is worse than it ever has been, the graphics are an embarrassment, and then of course, you have the 15$ a month fee. So, even if you downgrade and get the basic game on a console when it comes out, You're still paying 60$ for the game, plus that monthly fee, and you're online subscription. There is no way to justify paying all of that for such a horrible flop of a game. I know I'm probably gonna get flamed by MMO fans, but that's okay. I understand you like your genre. And that's fine. Just understand that this is coming from an RPG, and strategy game fan. I was expecting this to bring together all 3 elements of MMO, RPG, and strategy. Making a new innovative game that would change MMOs forever.
It saddens me how pathetic this game really is. They had, 200 million dollars to produce an innovative MMO, and they fell flat. Yes, you can say its still in beta. But, its too late to make drastic changes. I think we're looking at pretty much the finished game. A beta this late is going to have the game experience, with some small bugs and things of that sort. So. I'm very frustrated with Bethesda. They took their amazing, innovative game, and let it become this piece of crap. How do you take 200 million dollars, and crap out a generic and boring MMORPG? I do understand that they aren't the creators here, but they are part of it.
So I guess I'm going back to Skyrim and starting anew. I'll just have to sit back and wait for Elder Scrolls 6. Which realistically speaking, may be out by 2016 at the earliest? Oh well. I should've never had expectations for it. I have no expectations for ANY MMO related game from now on until its a proven innovative game, which I doubt will happen. So. What do you guys think? I just needed to get that rant out. I feel better now. lol

I find no satisfaction in slowly breaking down someone's wall and then just running in and button mashing. There is no true strategy in it. When will they realize that the MMO alone is basically just a huge fray of people fighting, which takes no skill whatsoever? They've tried to bring RPG elements into it, but it isn't enough. It doesn't take out the button mashing element of PvP. What they need to do to make PvP playable is to break it up into different modes. I'll let people have their endless and mindless button mashing 100 v 100 mode if they want it that bad. But lets look at other ways they could go about it.
Why couldn't they have brought in some FPS, and TPS elements and added more strategy to the game? I know you will say that its not an MMO then. Well. It can be an MMO. Lets say you walk up to someone's fort. You choose a point of entry. Depending on what point you chose, you get an objective to complete to get to the next part. So its all going on at the same time, but its controlled and strategic. Doesn't that sound like a masterpiece? And of course, you limit the number of people that can be in that certain place. But of course, it depends on the mode you're playing. Basically, you control how much of an MMO you want.
I was just expecting so much out of it since its an Elder Scrolls game. But they've made it just like any other MMO with no special qualities other than the fact that you can explore all of Tamriel, and there is a basic Elder Scrolls story line within each area. So the content is there, its just bland. The quests cannot compare to Skyrim's. They are very boring, rehash redo over and over. Here is how it goes basically: Walk up to random NPC. "Oh no, I lost this thing. If you get it for me, I'll reward you." Go to random location, kill 5 enemies, loot 10 things to find the lost thing. Return and get a stupid reward that you will never use.
The combat is worse than it ever has been, the graphics are an embarrassment, and then of course, you have the 15$ a month fee. So, even if you downgrade and get the basic game on a console when it comes out, You're still paying 60$ for the game, plus that monthly fee, and you're online subscription. There is no way to justify paying all of that for such a horrible flop of a game. I know I'm probably gonna get flamed by MMO fans, but that's okay. I understand you like your genre. And that's fine. Just understand that this is coming from an RPG, and strategy game fan. I was expecting this to bring together all 3 elements of MMO, RPG, and strategy. Making a new innovative game that would change MMOs forever.
It saddens me how pathetic this game really is. They had, 200 million dollars to produce an innovative MMO, and they fell flat. Yes, you can say its still in beta. But, its too late to make drastic changes. I think we're looking at pretty much the finished game. A beta this late is going to have the game experience, with some small bugs and things of that sort. So. I'm very frustrated with Bethesda. They took their amazing, innovative game, and let it become this piece of crap. How do you take 200 million dollars, and crap out a generic and boring MMORPG? I do understand that they aren't the creators here, but they are part of it.
So I guess I'm going back to Skyrim and starting anew. I'll just have to sit back and wait for Elder Scrolls 6. Which realistically speaking, may be out by 2016 at the earliest? Oh well. I should've never had expectations for it. I have no expectations for ANY MMO related game from now on until its a proven innovative game, which I doubt will happen. So. What do you guys think? I just needed to get that rant out. I feel better now. lol