Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
the one I like to recount to people is I played on the grade 8 highschool soccer team in 1986 and we had a game at Eric Hamber and we all took public transit to the game (as a team ... no chaperone on the bus ... can you imagine that today?). After the game everyone was all fucking around waiting for the bus and it arrived and as we were all piling in a kid on the team still outside of the bus says " hey guys watch this " and he ran half way down the block and grabbed the ass of a woman who was walking by and it caused her to fall ...and then he ran back to get on the bus and the bus took off. Nothing came of it ... nothing in the news ... nothingour bullying back then seemed rather soft and juvenile. maybe like @jstewismybastardson mentioned that we just didn't see the brutal stuff due to no social media.
Today ... thats a reportable sexual assault .. everytime i hear a story like that in the news today I think how lucky that kid was to have lived in that era ... and whether he's in jail today