Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Fuck that jays part though
What about the Grizzlies? I know, the NBA is a marginal sport but it's still a sport.Fuck that jays part though
I don't even know but people keep talking about "a few bad apples" when it comes to police? Here's a few bad apples. Throw them out and make sure they don't turn up in 3 months on the Abbottsford force, or Calgary or anywhere else.It makes you wonder what the thought process was - I mean, assuming that they thought that nobody would be around to video, what kind of people would even think of performing such an act?
Off with her head!!
Victoria mayor decries overnight vandalism spree, head removed from Queen Elizabeth II bust
The head from a bust statue of Queen Elizabeth II, located in Beacon Hill Park, has been spotted missing.www.cheknews.ca
I have an alibi!!!!!!!
This is horrific.This family was destoyed. Her son was the best goalie in all of Burnaby and hasnt played hockey since. Hes withdrawn and has pulled away from all of his friends. I will always pray for him.
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they at least have a little pylon divider now.As someone who drove on the elevated portion of the Gardiner on a daily basis, I'd just like to state that the Pattullo Bridge is terrifying and I will never drive on it again.
I guess they're replacing it so hopefully it doesn't just collapse before then.they at least have a little pylon divider now.
when I was in university I worked a car dealership in Surrey.
I had to bring a brand new Dually truck (the ones that barely fit in a regular lane) to a car show in Vancouver, over the Pattulo.
on the curvy part, I was passing a bus, and a dump truck came barreling the other way.
had now idea how i squeezed through. I closed my eyes and expected to be fired for demolishing this truck.
but yeah, that's a shit bridge.
built in 1937, not really upgraded since
also a favourite jumpers spot.
was coming back from something and the bridge was closed while they tried to talk someone down.
said fuck it, and went to New West to catch a movie while it got sorted out.
god knows he is not talking to my Chinese rocker wife....
You should tomahawk bryan adams with that