Bossman you'll be missed

----^. Would be scarier than the original
Its awful but I cannot stop laughing at this.
Im going to the mall, anybody want anything? You know what, I just need a few things. I will run in right before the sun sets.
Sure, if the line isnt too long.
See more:
Black Friday: Ghostly Images of Abandoned Malls by Seph Lawless (PHOTOS) - weather.com
I dont think its isolated to our area but the transformation that malls are undergoing around here is amazing (dash can attest to that as he works right next to one big construction zone at metrotown - correct me if im wrong dash)
these retail property management/holding companies are knocking down malls and building mixed use residential/office tower complexes with large lower level retail component
the buzz phrase is "unlocking land value"
You are correct sir, they are just putting the finishing touches on Metrotown Office Tower #3 as well as doing some cosmetic work on the back side of Metrotown (replacing all the ground tiles that are loose and shifting). Also, as you know, the Station Square mall right next to Metrotown has been completely gutted and will be replaced with a condo tower and new retail shops etc.
Tons of construction activity around my workplace currently.