8 countries less corrupt?
And the USA is Twice as corrupt and STILL better than most of the world.
Imagine how great the US would be if we just sawed off anything south of the Potomac and Ohio rivers and East of Vegas and gave it back to Mexico!
We'll take Alaska, Washington state, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon if you don't want them anymore...
The US would improve immediately if we just let Texas secede like they want to.
The US would improve immediately if we just let Texas secede like they want to.
Especially if they took Florida with them.
Basketball was invented by a Canadian (James Naismith) but wasn't he working in Springfield, Mass at the time?
That's what I thought to. Maybe he came up with the concept when he was in Canada but only presented it to others in the US.
Also Canada only became it's own country in 1982? That means that all this time I've been British and didn't even know it.![]()
random: Jason Botchford got jumped by a swarm of hippies in Lake Tahoe at a Phish concert after he took issue with a girl taking a dump on the ground right next to him
fuck ... I would have paid to see that
I know I'm old and unhip since I have no idea what the hell a Phish is. Is it a man? woman? band?
No clue...
A "band". Think Grateful Dead, only younger and less focused on hygeine.