Well-Known Member
Its got to be Ernie "Coach" Pantusso or one of his kids. Probably Coach.
I think it will be the ''Captain of the varsity slut team''
Its got to be Ernie "Coach" Pantusso or one of his kids. Probably Coach.
Its got to be Ernie "Coach" Pantusso or one of his kids. Probably Coach.
Wasn't crazy about tonight's episode. Just seems to me like there's too much going on to try & wrap it all up in one more, & I'm fearful of a "too easy/too neat" conclusion to all of this now.
... And what gives with the guy on the lawnmower there at the end? - Is he supposed to be "important" to this story somehow?
Wasn't that the man with the scars on his face? Looked like it to me. I think he was mowing the lawn of one of the schools in an earlier episode.
I thought it was fantastic.
Before I opened the True Detective thread I thought... 'I bet Comeds liked tonight's episode, we almost always agree.'
I also thought it was really good. Harrelson's reaction to the video, Hart/Cohle back together, them interviewing the old woman, the pieces all coming together, etc. I thought it was really interesting, especially the way the two of them were finally being human to each other.
Yeah, that was definitely the scarred man at the end. Have a feeling we'll finally "get to know" him in the last episode. Can't wait to see how it wraps up.
Wasn't that the man with the scars on his face? Looked like it to me. I think he was mowing the lawn of one of the schools in an earlier episode.
I thought it was fantastic.
I wanna say its not the same guy as in the earlier episode
Anyone remember which episode it was?
From what I read and see from screen caps, it's the same guy. He just had a beard in the earlier episode. He was in "The Locked Room" episode 3.
the first time you see scar face HArt is in the car and Cohle is talking to him at a distance. And then Hart starts honking his horn to get Cohle back to the car. Never had a chance to notice his scars and i think he did have a beard then too. Also makes sense with the green ears of the spaghetti monster description. Grass stained perhaps???
Wasn't crazy about tonight's episode. Just seems to me like there's too much going on to try & wrap it all up in one more, & I'm fearful of a "too easy/too neat" conclusion to all of this now.
... And what gives with the guy on the lawnmower there at the end? - Is he supposed to be "important" to this story somehow?
Wasn't that the man with the scars on his face? Looked like it to me. I think he was mowing the lawn of one of the schools in an earlier episode.
I thought it was fantastic.
can't wait... bring on next week.