I'm So High Right Now
I didn't know that Middle Earth had rafts? Is that why people are saying that the pace of the movie is rapid?

I didn't know that Middle Earth had rafts? Is that why people are saying that the pace of the movie is rapid?
If you ask me, the movie is a bit overinflated. It just kinda floats along at times.
I'll just wait then till the movie is streaming online.
I'm not a big fan of online movies. I've had some rocky experiences with it.
Watched about 2 hours of it so far, and it's alright, and just what you'd expect from Peter Jackson.
I hate though how characters like goblins and orcs have to talk or act like the 3 stooges though, and always have to have over the top characteristics. Also, why does Gandalf also seem to fight and fall from bridges? He should avoid them.
I also don't get the point in the Mountain Giants? What made them decide to wake up and start fighting one another?
The choice for who to play Bilbo was interesting, but I keep expecting David Brent to pop up and try to talk to him about what a great boss he is while he sneaks off to talk to Dawn Tisley.
Also not sure if it was in the book, but I hate when they refrence real life things such as the game of golf when dealing with a fanatasy world.
Just my opinions, I don't wish to sound smaug about it.
The choice for who to play Bilbo was interesting, but I keep expecting David Brent to pop up and try to talk to him about what a great boss he is while he sneaks off to talk to Dawn Tisley.
Bilbo: We were wondering if a military man like you, a soldier, er, could you give a man a lethal blow?
Thorin: If I was forced to, I could. If it was absolutely necessary, if he was attacking me.
Bilbo: What if he was coming, really hard?
Thorin: Yeah, if my life was in danger, yeah.
Balin: And do you always imagine doing it face to face with a bloke, or could you take a man from behind?
Thorin: Either ways easy.
Balin: So you could take a man from behind?
Thorin: Yeah.
To be fair to the movie, the golf reference is definitely in the book and the stone giants are better explained there, too.