Offensive Line Consultant
Neat argument.
I will end my side of this debate with this tab bit of information....
All you are doing by adding more gun laws is restricting the LAW ABIDING CITIZENS from being able to arm themselves. Criminals will find a way to get their hands on guns regardless, putting them at a serious advantage in a confrontation.
LAWS only apply to those willing to accept the laws and abide by them. They mean nothing to criminals who will find a way to get their hands on guns, drugs, pimping out hoes, etc. Only the law abiding citizens suffer when gun laws are tightened up, IMO.
Not trying to argue with you. Just laughing at your jokes.
IMO, ban assault rifles, they have no place, and put restrictions on buying ridiculous amounts of ammo off the internet. Also, the idiots in Congress that refused to enforce more thorough background check should have to experience some lunatic shooting up their town.
Only if the same law is applied to law enforcement.
It's all or none baby.
I will end my side of this debate with this tab bit of information....
All you are doing by adding more gun laws is restricting the LAW ABIDING CITIZENS from being able to arm themselves. Criminals will find a way to get their hands on guns regardless, putting them at a serious advantage in a confrontation.
LAWS only apply to those willing to accept the laws and abide by them. They mean nothing to criminals who will find a way to get their hands on guns, drugs, pimping out hoes, etc. Only the law abiding citizens suffer when gun laws are tightened up, IMO.
100% agree. Why our politicians do not realize this is beyond me..
No, but who needs fucking assault rifles. Military and lunatics. That's it.
Gun people are funny. They just get so damn fired up.
Did anyone else listen to Scott Sloan today on WLW? Holy Moly...
I'm guessing you haven't spent a lot of time in South Central.
Don't get me started on drunk driving laws.
Think of it as if people were trying to ban alcohol again. Coincidentally, what kills more people, accidental gun deaths or drunk drivers?