Lifelong Cynic
I get what you're saying. I appreciate Rex's honesty...although I do wonder how much of it has become a show in NY. I go to a very small college out in Indiana, and our head FB coach was a fellow coach with Ryan, working with him back in the day at some other small university, in an article in our school's paper he discussed their relationship. Within that discussion came up the topic of the Hard Knocks show (this article was last year, so it was a little more relevant at the time) and Judge (our coach) laughed and said that he was putting on a show, because he's not like that. He said that Ryan rarely swore like that or acted so brazenly when he worked with him. Could be the spot light of NY that does it I'm sure...that said, I don't think Tomlin is fake at all with the media either, but he just expects more professionalism from his players. Heck, even yesterday I was impressed with Belichick for sitting Welker out after he lashed out to the media...that deserves some respect. I'm just old school like that though...I hate loud mouths *looking at you Bart Scott, WWF World Champion*
Never thought I'd here someone complimenting Bill Belichek for his integrity