if everyone has enough money it becomes less scarce; therefore less valuable. The rich will never let the poor people advance because it isn't in their best interest. There is a reason poor schools are less funded and less able to educate children.
imo that's why there is such a gap. the rich dont 'let' the poor people do anything. the poor people have the capabilities themselves, they just rarely do anything with their opportunity. a good portion of them are content to live off the government because they are either 1. content doing nothing for themselves, or 2. have been conditioned to thinking they cant do anything useful and therefore have to live off the government
#2 normally comes after the person raising you has been a #1.
and the poor schools are less able to educate children because the children are joining gangs at 10 years old rather than trying to be educated. being educated is the hard choice for less fortunate people, and too few of them make the hard choice for it to be a legitimate place to spend money