likes oatmeal lumpy
LOL... Perhaps cause they're both BAD.![]()
I think the problem with the newer country is that it's fallen into the same formulaic rut that has plagued modern popular rock over the last decade or so. The schlock you hear on country stations is the equivalent of the Puddle of Three Doors Nickle Saving a Dead Man junk they play on the rock stations. There seem to be two types of country songs these days: upbeat tempo tune about how great it is to be a simple country dweller, or slow song about how someone left you or how someone died. Similar to the mumbling hunger-dunger Pearl Jam getting raped by Micheal Bolton stylings of the afformentioned rock supergroup.
In my area there are four or five country stations, all but one of which are impossible to listen to. There is one however, that plays a hybrid format of older country (Wayland Jennings, Johnny Cash, Hank Jr, stuff with actual soul to it) along with SOME newer stuff, and a nice mix of southern rock and rockabilly (lots of Skynyrd, Blackfoot, even some CSNY even though it's kind of breaking format). I can't listen to the new country stations, but a lot of that older stuff is just great.