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OT -- Nelson Mandela died today at age 95


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Mar 13, 2012
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What's lame is this last part of your post. You're indicting a sheriff for enforcing the laws of the land. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Not everyone likes every law there is; that doesn't mean it's ok to pick and choose which ones will be enforced and which ones won't.

And that "rising Mexican population" he speaks of are mostly illegals. But how can you not love a guy who when ordered by a liberal hispanic judge to provide cable TV to his prisoners, provides it to them but only leaves it on the Weather Channel? That is awesome!


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Dissagee. The point is he choose to enforce laws selectively against a targeted group. Laws of the land? You mean the laws of Az. which the constitutionality is in question in lieu of the fact that they are enforced only upon a minority population. Albeit some o them are illegal aliens, however, they enforcement is also against American Mexican citizens also, with profiling and selective enforcement the rue of the day. No problems with enforcing laws if they are uniform to all..but that's the point ..they are not uniform to all but targeted at a select population group, which by some odd coincidence happen to be a minority group with skin color.

Isn't the whole idea behind democracy that its one man, one vote and the majority rules? Sounds like Arizona is doing it right and the Feds are doing it wrong.


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Point is the lesson of Mandela and Dr. King is to fight injustice everywhere especially in the USA given we are the ones who claim to be defenders of freedom and justice. Don't turn a blind eye just because the injustice is being perpetuated upon a minority group and doesn't affect you. In many ways our system is only as good as the minority groups we protect form the tyranny of the majority.



Oct 27, 2011
Las Vegas
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Pathetic that you laugh at your own ignorance ...as Sherriff Joe your hero is shown to be a racist.. against American Mexican citizens. But times are a changing even in the backwashes of Az. your state will soon turn purple and then blue and then you will have to move to ..Idaho. but back to Mandela Kalk Bay (South Africa) (AFP) - The sidewalk blackboard outside the pizza parlour in South Africa's quaint seaside village Kalk Bay, inhabited mainly by whites, changed for the first time in months on Friday.

"RIP Tata Madiba", it read the day after the aged liberation leader's death, using Nelson Mandela's clan name and the affectionate "tata" (daddy).

The other side carried a quote from Mandela encouraging people of different racial groups to love one another.

The thoughtful homily was a variation on the usual trite inspirational offering: "A day without wine is a day without sunshine."

This portrays the respect "new" South Africa's whites harbour for the revered statesman.

But it also glosses over historical distrust of the "terrorist" imprisoned for 27 years, then suddenly lauded for a lifetime of peaceful struggle.

It didn't fit with the image white authorities had sketched of Mandela during apartheid.

Outside the nearby Holy Trinity Anglican Church, which dates back to early colonial days, the beautiful lychgate was adorned with posters with images of Mandela and some of his famous sayings.

On the main street women in short shorts jogged past antique shops and fashion boutiques, while in the background could be heard the whump of cannon fire from the nearby Simon's Town naval base.

It was a practice, but a reminder that South Africa has not always been as peaceful as it is today.

And residents' words betray a divergence in views between older generations who once voted in favour of white-minority rule, and young people who have known only all-race democracy in their lifetimes.

"I'm really sad," said fashion design student Philip Heijnan, 22, outside the church.

"Mandela was the country's best president. I don't think there is any one person in this country who doesn't like him."

Born in 1992, two years before the country's first democratic elections that ended apartheid, Heijnan plans to live out his life here, even though he could join relatives in New Zealand.

"I'll stay in South Africa, if it still stays as great as it is."

But down the road a dour shopkeeper had a different take on Mandela.

"While he was in jail for 27 years whites thought he was the devil. Now they think he was God," she said, asking not to be named because her remarks were so out of tune with public sentiment.

A 76-year-old man painting a sign outside a pub came close to confirming her prognosis of the white psyche.

"He was a statesman, not an ordinary politician," he told AFP.

"But you have to obey the law of the land and if he had grown old without his punishment I don't think he would have been talking to anybody. Jail made him, and the country."

Though South Africa today is doing "better generally" since the end of apartheid, corruption in government made him doubt that "the blacks are better off".

He cited recent security upgrades worth $20 million on President Jacob Zuma's private home which raised a national outcry -- an meanwhile around two million black South Africans live in shacks.

Well-to-do Kalk Bay is not necessarily representative of South Africa, which has one of the world's highest inequality rates.

It is a stunningly beautiful place, with mountains dropping sharply down to the sea, a small working harbour full of colourful boats, and trendy restaurants and shops.

But it shows a South Africa that would not be recognised by those who grew up in the apartheid years.

One restaurant owner drew decor inspiration from Cuba, the socialist island whose soldiers he battled during the apartheid regime's Cold War campaigns against regional neighbour Angola.

A barefoot barman, Michiel Peters, 19, is part of the group of people born after democracy and comfortable with staying. The descendant of initial Dutch settlers has no plans to leave South Africa.

"I am an Afrikaner, quite traditional. I want to buy a farm."

But Mandela went to great lengths to include whites in his dream of a new world.

That vision was based on the "Freedom Charter" of his party the ANC, which opens with the words "South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black or white".

This won over many distrustful whites.


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Pathetic that you laugh at your own ignorance ...as Sherriff Joe your hero is shown to be a racist.. against American Mexican citizens. But times are a changing even in the backwashes of Az. your state will soon turn purple and then blue and then you will have to move to ..Idaho. but back to Mandela Kalk Bay (South Africa) (AFP) - The sidewalk blackboard outside the pizza parlour in South Africa's quaint seaside village Kalk Bay, inhabited mainly by whites, changed for the first time in months on Friday.

Bullshit. His mandate was to clear out the illegal immigrants from Arizona. The hard facts are that those are hispanics and they have brown skin. What would you have him do, waste time arresting as many 80 year-old white ladies as Mexican men just so he could avoid the racism tag? If the criminal element in this case who are here illegally are almost 100% hispanic wouldn't it make sense to target those people? C'mon now at least try to make sense with your thoughts.


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Jul 4, 2013
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Bullshit. His mandate was to clear out the illegal immigrants from Arizona. The hard facts are that those are hispanics and they have brown skin. What would you have him do, waste time arresting as many 80 year-old white ladies as Mexican men just so he could avoid the racism tag? If the criminal element in this case who are here illegally are almost 100% hispanic wouldn't it make sense to target those people? C'mon now at least try to make sense with your thoughts.

On top of everything else you are a racist POS as well? Perfect.

Hey, I will tell you what. More white people use meth than other race.... How about we start pulling over white people and searching them for meth because they are white?

So much for the constitution which protects against illegal search and seizure without a warrant.


Oct 27, 2011
Las Vegas
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Point is if that the mandate itself is biased in its very nature. Secondly, they are enforced by a biased sherriff who also arrests and detains NON illegal aliens. Namely American citizens of Mexican decent. Let me repat that for you American citizens are being detained for no legal reason except they have a different color of skin. HOw about rounding up some white people and checking their papers? How about a traffic stop on them?? hmmm that at least would be fairly implementing the law since it is possible that some whites are here illegally also. But that is not the intent of the law nor its enforcement intent. The intent of the law is to round em up and ship em out ..Bill of Rights be damed. Due process be damned..respecting the rights of Mexican Americans be damed. Learn and try reading the posts and it is quite clear the rights of American citizens of Mexican descent are being violated . Secondly, read again and see he is not having success with regular crime...maybe due to his over zealously selectively enforcing the only mandate that matters to him. What about the other laws of the state like violent crime enforcement? the numbers look horrid ..but as long as he hassles the" brownies", its all good, right? sounds like a racist , acts like a racist, looks like a racist.. well that's what he is.. and as for you.. your comments follow a similar path...racist is as racist loves.


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On top of everything else you are a racist POS as well? Perfect.

Hey, I will tell you what. More white people use meth than other race.... How about we start pulling over white people and searching them for meth because they are white?

So much for the constitution which protects against illegal search and seizure without a warrant.

Fuck off, you silly piece of shit.


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Point is if that the mandate itself is biased in its very nature. Secondly, they are enforced by a biased sherriff who also arrests and detains NON illegal aliens. Namely American citizens of Mexican decent. Let me repat that for you American citizens are being detained for no legal reason except they have a different color of skin. HOw about rounding up some white people and checking their papers? How about a traffic stop on them?? hmmm that at least would be fairly implementing the law since it is possible that some whites are here illegally also. But that is not the intent of the law nor its enforcement intent. The intent of the law is to round em up and ship em out ..Bill of Rights be damed. Due process be damned..respecting the rights of Mexican Americans be damed. Learn and try reading the posts and it is quite clear the rights of American citizens of Mexican descent are being violated . Secondly, read again and see he is not having success with regular crime...maybe due to his over zealously selectively enforcing the only mandate that matters to him. What about the other laws of the state like violent crime enforcement? the numbers look horrid ..but as long as he hassles the" brownies", its all good, right? sounds like a racist , acts like a racist, looks like a racist.. well that's what he is.. and as for you.. your comments follow a similar path...racist is as racist loves.

How? Its designed to rid us of the scourge of illegal aliens who have no right to be here. Its what the people of the state wanted, hence it was inacted into law. No one has any problem with Mexicans who are supposed to be here legally. But why would you check white people's papers when the illegals are almost all Mexicans? Wouldn't that be a waste of manpower? You, and other people, ignorant of the situation down here, draw the word "racist" like a gun. It is so over-used that it is losing its effectiveness.


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On top of everything else you are a racist POS as well? Perfect.

Hey, I will tell you what. More white people use meth than other race.... How about we start pulling over white people and searching them for meth because they are white?

So much for the constitution which protects against illegal search and seizure without a warrant.

LOL! Total ignorance. Ever heard of probable cause? Need a warrant for that you fool?


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May 19, 2013
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Did someone actually call Malcolm X a true american hero? You mean the guy who once said the death of 120 white people in a plane crash was a beautiful thing. That Malcolm X?


Oct 27, 2011
Las Vegas
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Yours words of calling illegals a scourge is just what the Nazis called the Jews. Funny how racist xenophobes resort to name calling of human beings to make their invalid points. And regarding probable cause ..just what is Sherriff of nAZiland probable cause in pulling over Mexicans to show him papers? hmmm That is just the point..there is NO probable cause except they look Mexican.. They are racially profiled IS THE POINT. Glad you make an exception for with meth users but not for Mexicans, it speaks volumes to where your racist mindset is coming from. It is exactly what Im talking about. For you Meth is OK cuz its white..but brown sugar is not cuz its brown.


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Aug 3, 2011
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Did someone actually call Malcolm X a true american hero? You mean the guy who once said the death of 120 white people in a plane crash was a beautiful thing. That Malcolm X?

:agree: Universities celebrate this guy as an American hero, and gooey-brained college students eat that crap up. I had to read his autobiography for my "higher education," which was 95% useless.


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Aug 3, 2011
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Yours words of calling illegals a scourge is just what the Nazis called the Jews.

The Nazis actually killed the Jews & put them into concentration camps. But it's not insulting to the Jews at all to make that comparison to checking one's citizenship status (which, by the way, Mexico has no problem doing right before they deport anyone who's illegal). :rolleyes2:

And by the way, the Nazis rounded up the Jews for doing absolutely nothing unlike illegal immigrants, who have broken American laws.
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Yours words of calling illegals a scourge is just what the Nazis called the Jews. Funny how racist xenophobes resort to name calling of human beings to make their invalid points. And regarding probable cause ..just what is Sherriff of nAZiland probable cause in pulling over Mexicans to show him papers? hmmm That is just the point..there is NO probable cause except they look Mexican.. They are racially profiled IS THE POINT. Glad you make an exception for with meth users but not for Mexicans, it speaks volumes to where your racist mindset is coming from. It is exactly what Im talking about. For you Meth is OK cuz its white..but brown sugar is not cuz its brown.

Why should the hispanic hordes crossing the borders not have to go through the same immigration rules people from Europe, Asia or Africa must? You are being racist by allowing the folks from south of the border different rules than the rest of the world. Illegal aliens are a scourge. They cost this, and other border states, billions of dollars. I will say this for the Mexicans, they work hard when they get here.


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The Nazis actually killed the Jews & put them into concentration camps. But it's not insulting to the Jews at all to make that comparison to checking one's citizenship status (which, by the way, Mexico has no problem doing right before they deport anyone who's illegal). :rolleyes2:

And by the way, the Nazis rounded up the Jews for doing absolutely nothing unlike illegal immigrants, who have broken American laws.
Exactly. But these liberal fools need to have something to rail against. The seem so unhappy.


Jul 2, 2013
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Yours words of calling illegals a scourge is just what the Nazis called the Jews. Funny how racist xenophobes resort to name calling of human beings to make their invalid points. And regarding probable cause ..just what is Sherriff of nAZiland probable cause in pulling over Mexicans to show him papers? hmmm That is just the point..there is NO probable cause except they look Mexican.. They are racially profiled IS THE POINT. Glad you make an exception for with meth users but not for Mexicans, it speaks volumes to where your racist mindset is coming from. It is exactly what Im talking about. For you Meth is OK cuz its white..but brown sugar is not cuz its brown.

I don't know if I've ever read anything more absurd. You're comparing apples to oranges, dude. No pun intended.


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Aug 21, 2013
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Sick-The only thing worse than being a Shit-Lib is being a Shit-Con. Don't be that guy. Let the racist retard dig his own grave, but don't jump right in there with him. People still like hearing what you have to say and you're starting to lose credibility with your poorly formed political/philosophical outlook.


Jul 2, 2013
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Sick-The only thing worse than being a Shit-Lib is being a Shit-Con. Don't be that guy. Let the racist retard dig his own grave, but don't jump right in there with him. People still like hearing what you have to say and you're starting to lose credibility with your poorly formed political/philosophical outlook.

The only thing worse than being either is being a brain dead, moron. Politics are for mindless, dumbfucks, who have no clue about how the world really operates. You catch my drift, bro? If not I'll explain it to you with a quickness. You let me know.


Oct 27, 2011
Las Vegas
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Not at all..they should follow the laws of immigration as do most of the other prospective immigrants do. But to be sure there are others here from other nations here illegally also. The point is that one cannot just round em up and ship them out without ALSO compromising the rights of LEGALS. If YOU WANT TO IMPLEMENT SUCH A LAW YOU MUST ALSO IMPLEMENT IT UPON US ALL IS THE POINT. Otherwise you are racial profiling. Show us papers is fine as long as you make everyone show their papers! One for all all for one is the exact point. To be a fair system , you must show papers no matter what color or ethnic background you come from or as I prefer, NOT AT ALL for any and all. Funny how Arizonians are all about states rights and anti-federal govt. yet all about the state govt doing the heavy handed boot stomping that they so detest in the federal govt. They keep saying they want the govt out of their lives but then pass a law making sure the govt is stopping a certain segement of the population from being free of the govt. Point is the enforcement of that particular law is exactly what they should detest the most. But because it is implemented against a brown minority group its "OK". Meanwhile, Meth labs and the white drug problem that is a scourge gets little mention probably due to its popularity among certain white groups. Again, read what your precious sheriff has done to American citizens of Mexican descent and how little he has done with the real crime in his county. As far as the Jewish being "OK" with showing their papers and proving their identity check again as it was one of the reasons they were so easily rounded up in Nazi Germany once they were identified. Point is NO AMERICAN should have to prove their identity at the point of a gun or threat of imprisonment during a so called sweep. Its called due process. If you suspect someone being here illegally you have to follow due process or you risk breaking the laws you so lovingly hold. Ie the BILL of Rights..I cherish those rights and will always stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. Again, you have NO ANSWER to the rights of American Mexican citizens whose rights have been impinged upon. It seems just fine with you that they just don't matter only with rights matter..and that again is my point..The Bill of Rights applies to us all. That means you cannot just sweep people up and ask for ID without probable cause.