Not at all..they should follow the laws of immigration as do most of the other prospective immigrants do. But to be sure there are others here from other nations here illegally also. The point is that one cannot just round em up and ship them out without ALSO compromising the rights of LEGALS. If YOU WANT TO IMPLEMENT SUCH A LAW YOU MUST ALSO IMPLEMENT IT UPON US ALL IS THE POINT. Otherwise you are racial profiling. Show us papers is fine as long as you make everyone show their papers! One for all all for one is the exact point. To be a fair system , you must show papers no matter what color or ethnic background you come from or as I prefer, NOT AT ALL for any and all. Funny how Arizonians are all about states rights and anti-federal govt. yet all about the state govt doing the heavy handed boot stomping that they so detest in the federal govt. They keep saying they want the govt out of their lives but then pass a law making sure the govt is stopping a certain segement of the population from being free of the govt. Point is the enforcement of that particular law is exactly what they should detest the most. But because it is implemented against a brown minority group its "OK". Meanwhile, Meth labs and the white drug problem that is a scourge gets little mention probably due to its popularity among certain white groups. Again, read what your precious sheriff has done to American citizens of Mexican descent and how little he has done with the real crime in his county. As far as the Jewish being "OK" with showing their papers and proving their identity check again as it was one of the reasons they were so easily rounded up in Nazi Germany once they were identified. Point is NO AMERICAN should have to prove their identity at the point of a gun or threat of imprisonment during a so called sweep. Its called due process. If you suspect someone being here illegally you have to follow due process or you risk breaking the laws you so lovingly hold. Ie the BILL of Rights..I cherish those rights and will always stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. Again, you have NO ANSWER to the rights of American Mexican citizens whose rights have been impinged upon. It seems just fine with you that they just don't matter only with rights matter..and that again is my point..The Bill of Rights applies to us all. That means you cannot just sweep people up and ask for ID without probable cause.
OMG, dude, are you Mexican? If not, stfu. If so, have your family go through the proper channels and do it legally. It's NOT my problem that, that country is atrocious. Why should my tax dollars pay for these illegals to have free healthcare at the local clinic?
Explain yourself.