Stance: Goofy
We don't have the crazy restaurant lines or real estate prices here in Charlotte,
You clearly have never been to T-Bone's on the lake... Or looked for houses near there...

(I haven't either, but my sister lives in York area - she was mad at how much house I got here)
pittsburgh roads/traffic can be summed up with 1 word. construction.
Pa's state sport: Lane Closure.
Pa's state flower: Construction Barrel
Someone has been putting protest signs about road work up in this area. Almost any place there is construction someone will put these signs up as a protest.
I usually shake my fist and say "I hear you buddy" as I pass one.
That has to be a protest sign, because I am not sure there has ever been a road project there that "ended". I'd buy BLended, but never ended.
They started the Rt24 @ I95 around the time my son was born. I think it's still going on.
He's ten.