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OT: Name some things that drive you fucking nuts


Jul 16, 2014
Washington, DC
Hoopla Cash
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We've had a similar (but different) issue in NC. I may not get all of the numbers exactly right, but the general concepts are right.

For handguns only (I think) you have to apply for a permit to purchase. The permit is good for 5 years, but only limits your ability to purchase after 5 years. There's no re-assessment for existing handguns. NC also (like most states) limits the ability of certain (primarily violent) felons from owning handguns.

But herein lies the loophole:
- Person applies for handgun permit on day 1 of year 1 (D1Y1) and is approved a short time later. For discussion let's say D30Y1. (whether or not said person actually purchases anything at that time is irrelevant).
- Person commits a violent felony on D45Y1 (handgun not required). Let's say a guy punches his girlfriend/wife.
- Person pleads guilty to violent felony on D90Y1 and is sentenced to 2 years in prison.
- Person is released from prison on D90Y3.

As a result of felony conviction, person is no longer legally allowed to own handguns in NC, but still has a valid permit to purchase and can walk into a store and make a purchase.


That loophole is crazy. Just insane.

I'm definitely not one of those people who feel like no one should own a gun. I don't like guns, don't care for them and never plan on owning one. That being said I can respect those who own them or want to own them. I just want to see some goddamn reform that eliminates horrible loopholes like this.


I like your beard.
Jan 17, 2010
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Well this raises another question for me. After 10 years, did you have to ever apply for reapplication? Wouldn't it be fair to say that people's mental states have a tendency to change over time?

My grandfather was nothing but a racist and a drunk. When he started answering the door waving his gun at people in his early 70s, it was time that he got put in a home and the guns got taken away. God forbid he would have ever shot someone. My point is, maybe had he had to reapply to own these guns at, say 60, it may have been determined he wasn't of sound mind to own them. We knew he was nuts, but we also knew if we tried to take them away from him, he might go nuts and shoot us.

Look at you using rational thinking...

This would never, ever, ever, ever fly with the NRA or anyone who supports them. It's one thing to limit someone's ability to buy it in the first place, a whole different thing to take them away. That said, it makes perfect sense. I'll never understand how people who like shooting guns for sport will fight to their deathbeds for these things after a shooting. I don't think there are many out there asking for every gun in the country to be rounded up and burned (frankly, I'd love a world without them...), simply asking that people have to WORK to get one. You know what else you have to work to have? A car. You have to have a license, pass an exam, have a vehicle, and have insurance on that vehicle. But to have a gun you need...what? A heartbeat?


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Jul 6, 2010
North Jersey
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We don't need stricter anything laws. People need to stop being fucking assholes. Laws only exist because someone, somewhere, decided to be a fucking asshole.


Jul 16, 2014
Washington, DC
Hoopla Cash
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Look at you using rational thinking...

This would never, ever, ever, ever fly with the NRA or anyone who supports them. It's one thing to limit someone's ability to buy it in the first place, a whole different thing to take them away. That said, it makes perfect sense. I'll never understand how people who like shooting guns for sport will fight to their deathbeds for these things after a shooting. I don't think there are many out there asking for every gun in the country to be rounded up and burned (frankly, I'd love a world without them...), simply asking that people have to WORK to get one. You know what else you have to work to have? A car. You have to have a license, pass an exam, have a vehicle, and have insurance on that vehicle. But to have a gun you need...what? A heartbeat?

The country is averaging over 1 mass shooting per day right now. I read a stat that said since Dec 2012 (Sandy Hook) there's been 885 mass shootings. At what point do we start treating gun ownership as a privilege instead of a right? (piggybacks what you were saying about having a drivers license)


Garage League
Apr 24, 2010
dock of the bay
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We don't need stricter anything laws. People need to stop being fucking assholes. Laws only exist because someone, somewhere, decided to be a fucking asshole.

While it's a very inspiring ideal, it is one thing that will likely never change about our society. Spiteful, judgmental and vengeful. That about sums it up. And there are legions of people in our country with that line of thinking.


Jul 16, 2014
Washington, DC
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While it's a very inspiring ideal, it is one thing that will likely never change about our society. Spiteful, judgmental and vengeful. That about sums it up. And there are legions of people in our country with that line of thinking.

The US represents 4% of the global population yet possess 42% of the global gun ownership for civilians. WTF?!


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Jul 6, 2010
North Jersey
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The US represents 4% of the global population yet possess 42% of the global gun ownership for civilians. WTF?!

I heard an interesting theory as to why. The US is till very young compared to most of the world. So while Europe and Asia had thousands of years to maintain order and gradually phase out violence, violence was a necessity in early America. There was no establishment, there was nobody to go to if people were threatening you. As a result people needed to arm themselves in order to protect their property, their livelihoods etc. And yes it's been a long time and we should get with the program but that would explain why there is a gun culture in the US and not elsewhere.


Jul 16, 2014
Washington, DC
Hoopla Cash
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I heard an interesting theory as to why. The US is till very young compared to most of the world. So while Europe and Asia had thousands of years to maintain order and gradually phase out violence, violence was a necessity in early America. There was no establishment, there was nobody to go to if people were threatening you. As a result people needed to arm themselves in order to protect their property, their livelihoods etc. And yes it's been a long time and we should get with the program but that would explain why there is a gun culture in the US and not elsewhere.

I could see that. I just wish people wouldn't treat the Bill of Rights like it wasn't ever supposed to be endorsed or amended. Reading the 2nd amendment, you can see how archaic it is. Fucker needs a makeover. When's the last time your heard the word 'militia'?


Garage League
Apr 24, 2010
dock of the bay
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I heard an interesting theory as to why. The US is till very young compared to most of the world. So while Europe and Asia had thousands of years to maintain order and gradually phase out violence, violence was a necessity in early America. There was no establishment, there was nobody to go to if people were threatening you. As a result people needed to arm themselves in order to protect their property, their livelihoods etc. And yes it's been a long time and we should get with the program but that would explain why there is a gun culture in the US and not elsewhere.

I'd say that is pretty accurate. Especially during the early 1800's, before the industrial revolution really took off and immigrants coming to America were expanding westward into lands that had been only occupied by Native Americans. They needed guns for not only protection, but to kill animals for food, clothing, etc. By comparison, you didn't have the same problems in early 1800's Europe. You could travel from area to area in Western Europe, and could count on finding food and shelter for a price. Not quite the same situation in early N. America at the same time period.


Stance: Goofy
Apr 19, 2010
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While it's a very inspiring ideal, it is one thing that will likely never change about our society. Spiteful, judgmental and vengeful. That about sums it up. And there are legions of people in our country with that line of thinking.

The thing about spending your entire life looking for something to be outraged about... you will always find it.

At the end of the day, it's really a lot easier to agree to disagree than it is to try and outrun a manhunt after you shot someone who you think wronged you.

I heard an interesting theory as to why. The US is till very young compared to most of the world. So while Europe and Asia had thousands of years to maintain order and gradually phase out violence, violence was a necessity in early America. There was no establishment, there was nobody to go to if people were threatening you. As a result people needed to arm themselves in order to protect their property, their livelihoods etc. And yes it's been a long time and we should get with the program but that would explain why there is a gun culture in the US and not elsewhere.


I sometimes get annoyed being associated with "Americans" just because of where I was born.


Garage League
Apr 24, 2010
dock of the bay
Hoopla Cash
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The thing about spending your entire life looking for something to be outraged about... you will always find it.

At the end of the day, it's really a lot easier to agree to disagree than it is to try and outrun a manhunt after you shot someone who you think wronged you.

IMO, society spends way too much time casting judgment on others. If they were to spend that same amount of energy looking introspectively on themselves, we would live in a far better society. I especially see this in the younger generation in the US. Too much time spent on the Kardashians and the related tripe. Do something for yourself. Don't worry about the fake BS that exists all across our society.


Jul 16, 2014
Washington, DC
Hoopla Cash
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IMO, society spends way too much time casting judgment on others. If they were to spend that same amount of energy looking introspectively on themselves, we would live in a far better society. I especially see this in the younger generation in the US. Too much time spent on the Kardashians and the related tripe. Do something for yourself. Don't worry about the fake BS that exists all across our society.

These younger generation murderers are treating these mass shootings like a game of Halo or Call of Duty.


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Jul 6, 2010
North Jersey
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The fact he filmed this and put it on Twitter makes me nervous. My biggest problem with the shootings of the past few years has been the media. They drive this, they plaster their faces and post their manifestos and it's non stop. They are giving incentive to all the other loser assholes out there that if you do this people will know who you are. I blame them more than just about anything else.

This one though, if the killing and posting it on social media so it goes viral thing catches on it will be infinitely worse than what the mainstream media can accomplish.


Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy bacon
Apr 19, 2010
City on the Edge of Forever
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I sometimes get annoyed being associated with "Americans" just because of where I was born.

Didn't you say once that you should have been born in Canada and it was the stork who was given an incorrect delivery address?


Garage League
Apr 24, 2010
dock of the bay
Hoopla Cash
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These younger generation murderers are treating these mass shootings like a game of Halo or Call of Duty.

I don't have a problem with the video games related to violence.

What worries me is the lack of respect the younger generation has for the older generations of society. I personally think it stems from the advent of the internet age. It's made society more acceptable to being impersonal. And the younger generations don't have any memory of society without the internet, so they have no other understanding.

I work with quite a few millennials in my job. One of the most common flaws I see in them is the lack of a trait of humility or humbleness. You can't tell them anything without them becoming personally offended by it. While all that is really going on is a learning situation. And this goes back to the spitefulness that seems more common today. The trait of humility can really go a long way.


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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We cannot change any of this because we are a garbage country which excels in only one thing - boasting about how great we are.


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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From the video I posted above:

Comedian: People come up to me after the show and say "YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE 2ND AMENDMENT" I say, yes you can...It's called an amendment.

Even Thomas Jefferson said:
I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes in laws and constitutions. I think moderate imperfections had better be borne with; because, when once known, we accommodate ourselves to them, and find practical means of correcting their ill effects. But I know also, that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.

But perhaps I really should have used "wont" instead of "cannot".


Jul 16, 2014
Washington, DC
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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I don't have a problem with the video games related to violence.

What worries me is the lack of respect the younger generation has for the older generations of society. I personally think it stems from the advent of the internet age. It's made society more acceptable to being impersonal. And the younger generations don't have any memory of society without the internet, so they have no other understanding.

I work with quite a few millennials in my job. One of the most common flaws I see in them is the lack of a trait of humility or humbleness. You can't tell them anything without them becoming personally offended by it. While all that is really going on is a learning situation. And this goes back to the spitefulness that seems more common today. The trait of humility can really go a long way.

Millennials get on my nerves with that. Everyone has their face implanted in their phone, HUGE lack of humility and a sense of entitlement. We had a girl just leave our office (pretty professional office) and she attempted to tell the owner of our company that she was going to move some accounts to another company if the company didn't agree to X,Y,Z. She was literally fired on the spot (even though she put notice in already). She got a new job elsewhere but I'm quite certain a recommendation didn't come with it.....I seriously have no idea where she got off requesting that. It's insane.