Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
5) Illegally infringing upon the rights of the media and others to record officers working. They arrested two members of the media simply because they were members of the media. They went into a McDonalds and forced everyone to leave, stating they were trespassing (although customers). They told the guys they had to stop recording, which someone doesn't have to unless it's interfering with an investigation. These guys were later released with no explanation because the chief found out and knew it'd be a mess. There's also video from the "front lines" last night of the police telling people to turn off their cameras. It's just damning to do that.
There could also be a distinct racial factor from the eye witnesses. I don't know this to specifically be the case, but in a town with significant racial tensions and a population that is something like 70% African American but a police force that's 90% white, it's not a stretch to believe that there could be a (deserved) distrust for the town PD in general.
Regarding #3, I see it as a double-edged sword. In the current situation, they are criticized for being overly militarized and heavy-handed. If this situation suddenly turned into LA 1992 though, the police force would be criticized for not doing enough to keep the situation from getting out of control. It's a tough balance to keep and one that they don't seem to be handling real well. I think part of that comes from the fact that this is a big-city force coming to a small town.
on the bold ... goes the other way with the police too
I think it was one of those washington post reporters that pix mentioned who was detained that said as the officer was manhandling him (paraphrasing) ... "its enough that we have to deal with those animals out there" ... im not paraphrasing the "animals" part ... he called them animals

what i saw/heard during the livestream from last night was of course just a moment in time ... I heard swearing from the protestors ... obvious anger but also alot of choreographed hands in the air and chants of "dont shoot" (mocking the police)
I didnt see anything thrown (could have happened before of course) but a good 15 minutes went on and 3 final warnings from police to leave ... then came the LRAD (which actually hurt my ears) ... then came the tear gas/smoke bombs ... then came the rubber bullets ... the reporter filming the livestream ran with the others and the rubber bullets were then being fired indiscriminately hitting and shattering windows of peoples homes
idk ... a bit much all around imo