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OT: Name some things that drive you fucking nuts


Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy bacon
Apr 19, 2010
City on the Edge of Forever
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Geez, this is scary stuff in Ferguson, Missouri.

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Stance: Goofy
Apr 19, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Geez, this is scary stuff in Ferguson, Missouri.

Ugly for sure. They hit a TV news crew with teargas and then destroyed their cameras. Bad idea.

STL County websites down

So with the websites being DDoSed, the people trying to get in so they can release the names, addresses and social security numbers of everyone associated with the government in St Louis will be slowed down.
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Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Apr 20, 2010
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I watched a bit of the Ferguson livestream last night ... just crazy stuff ... I didnt really see the protestor violence that mainstream media has shown (there isnt much quantity to that from what ive seen ... always the same shot of the 1 guy throwing a molotov cocktail or the derps looting first night)

just alot of heavily militarized police craziness ... didnt know Ferguson was in North Korea


Lifelong Cynic
Sep 21, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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The response certainly seems a bit heavy-handed, though I'll point out that it is at least partially reasonable from what I know of the story.

The shooting that prompted the whole situation should be fully investigated by an independent and, if the conclusion is wrong-doing by the officer, prosecuted fully. I like the fact that the investigation is being done by a separate police department, but I do have concerns about whether the police "brotherhood" could still cloud that investigation. I believe the FBI is doing an investigation also since it could be considered a federal civil rights issue.

Most of the SWAT members and other personnel are (to my understanding at least) members of the St. Louis County PD, NOT the Ferguson PD, the department to which the officer involved in the shooting belonged. So these individuals are being called in to a situation which is very difficult under any circumstances.

When considering that St. Louis has long had significant racial tensions, these STL County PD SWAT members are being called in to a veritable powder keg and are trying to keep things from getting out of control.

On the flip-side, I understand that heavy-handed police tactics can result in the escalation of tensions rather than diffusion, and I understand that being in a dangerous situation doesn't give them the right to break the law anymore than the protesters can be allowed to break the law.

I guess the bottom line for me is that there are conflicting accounts of what happened leading up to the shooting and I'm absolutely the type of person who wants to have all of the facts before reaching a conclusion.


Jul 15, 2014
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People who say "pop"

As much as I hate to agree with a Flyers fan I'm with ya but gotta add a few more

Idiots who have their pants sagging so I have to look at their drawers. Pull up your pants ya savages

People on the train who thibnk garlic is a breakfast food and troothpaste will kill them

People who wont shut the fuck up in trains and planes. Read the paper, do a cross word, stare aimlessly out the window I don't care but your commute is not an opportunity to catch up with your college roommate.

People who play music on their phones without the headphones. I don't need to hear your music dewshbag. No one does.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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As much as I hate to agree with a Flyers fan I'm with ya but gotta add a few more

Idiots who have their pants sagging so I have to look at their drawers. Pull up your pants ya savages

People on the train who thibnk garlic is a breakfast food and troothpaste will kill them

People who wont shut the fuck up in trains and planes. Read the paper, do a cross word, stare aimlessly out the window I don't care but your commute is not an opportunity to catch up with your college roommate.

People who play music on their phones without the headphones. I don't need to hear your music dewshbag. No one does.

I forgot to add anyone that plays Paradise by the Dashboard Lights on the jukebox.


Team Player
Jul 6, 2010
North Jersey
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As much as I hate to agree with a Flyers fan I'm with ya but gotta add a few more

Idiots who have their pants sagging so I have to look at their drawers. Pull up your pants ya savages

People on the train who thibnk garlic is a breakfast food and troothpaste will kill them

People who wont shut the fuck up in trains and planes. Read the paper, do a cross word, stare aimlessly out the window I don't care but your commute is not an opportunity to catch up with your college roommate.

People who play music on their phones without the headphones. I don't need to hear your music dewshbag. No one does.

Man I do not miss mass transit. People that don't cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough, people allergic to deodorant etc. My blood pressure has gone down exponentially since I got away from that nonsense.


Stance: Goofy
Apr 19, 2010
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The response certainly seems a bit heavy-handed, though I'll point out that it is at least partially reasonable from what I know of the story.

The shooting that prompted the whole situation should be fully investigated by an independent and, if the conclusion is wrong-doing by the officer, prosecuted fully. I like the fact that the investigation is being done by a separate police department, but I do have concerns about whether the police "brotherhood" could still cloud that investigation. I believe the FBI is doing an investigation also since it could be considered a federal civil rights issue.

Most of the SWAT members and other personnel are (to my understanding at least) members of the St. Louis County PD, NOT the Ferguson PD, the department to which the officer involved in the shooting belonged. So these individuals are being called in to a situation which is very difficult under any circumstances.

When considering that St. Louis has long had significant racial tensions, these STL County PD SWAT members are being called in to a veritable powder keg and are trying to keep things from getting out of control.

On the flip-side, I understand that heavy-handed police tactics can result in the escalation of tensions rather than diffusion, and I understand that being in a dangerous situation doesn't give them the right to break the law anymore than the protesters can be allowed to break the law.

I guess the bottom line for me is that there are conflicting accounts of what happened leading up to the shooting and I'm absolutely the type of person who wants to have all of the facts before reaching a conclusion.

No one really seems interested in allowing due process to work any more. It seems all anyone wants is instant vigilante justice and to be judge, jury and executioner themselves, facts be damned.

I almost feel bad for the SWAT guys. Being called in to restore order into a hellish situation they had no part in creating where they are automatically the bad guy so anything stupid they do (like dismantle a TV camera) is amplified 10x. No win.


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 754.60
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I watched a bit of the Ferguson livestream last night ... just crazy stuff ... I didnt really see the protestor violence that mainstream media has shown (there isnt much quantity to that from what ive seen ... always the same shot of the 1 guy throwing a molotov cocktail or the derps looting first night)

just alot of heavily militarized police craziness ... didnt know Ferguson was in North Korea

Do you expect them to buy all the fancy uniforms, equipment, and weapons and not take them out to play?


I like your beard.
Jan 17, 2010
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The response certainly seems a bit heavy-handed, though I'll point out that it is at least partially reasonable from what I know of the story.

The shooting that prompted the whole situation should be fully investigated by an independent and, if the conclusion is wrong-doing by the officer, prosecuted fully. I like the fact that the investigation is being done by a separate police department, but I do have concerns about whether the police "brotherhood" could still cloud that investigation. I believe the FBI is doing an investigation also since it could be considered a federal civil rights issue.

Most of the SWAT members and other personnel are (to my understanding at least) members of the St. Louis County PD, NOT the Ferguson PD, the department to which the officer involved in the shooting belonged. So these individuals are being called in to a situation which is very difficult under any circumstances.

When considering that St. Louis has long had significant racial tensions, these STL County PD SWAT members are being called in to a veritable powder keg and are trying to keep things from getting out of control.

On the flip-side, I understand that heavy-handed police tactics can result in the escalation of tensions rather than diffusion, and I understand that being in a dangerous situation doesn't give them the right to break the law anymore than the protesters can be allowed to break the law.

I guess the bottom line for me is that there are conflicting accounts of what happened leading up to the shooting and I'm absolutely the type of person who wants to have all of the facts before reaching a conclusion.

I mostly agree with you, but the police (well, certain members of the force) have made very bad/suspicious decisions.

1) The original issue. Officers aren't taught to shoot to kill a guy even if he DID attempt to grab your weapon (which is not what eyewitnesses have said, and this guys car didn't have a dash cam which is equally ridiculous considering podunk cops even have those), and the kid was reportedly shot many times.

Which brings up 2) refusing to release pertinent information to the public in an appropriate amount of time. That only adds to powder keg in this situation. People want answers, and they have to right to those answers within reason. I understand not releasing the cops name, but not releasing other information simply because it's incriminating looks bad, and that's how these rumors start. The body of this kid was left to bake in the street, which is also against protocol, as cops are supposed to call medics even if they inflicted the wounds.

3) Militarization of the force. Very scary, dangerous, and unnecessary. Again, this only escalates the situation. They did it on the first night during a candlelight vigil for a young man shot on their streets. Talk about lighting a fuse.

4) Illegally setting up a curfew and then enforcing that curfew on adults. My understanding (I could be wrong here), is that in order to enforce a curfew on citizens 18+, there must be a mandate engaged by elected officials/government. The police are the enforcers, not the law makers.

5) Illegally infringing upon the rights of the media and others to record officers working. They arrested two members of the media simply because they were members of the media. They went into a McDonalds and forced everyone to leave, stating they were trespassing (although customers). They told the guys they had to stop recording, which someone doesn't have to unless it's interfering with an investigation. These guys were later released with no explanation because the chief found out and knew it'd be a mess. There's also video from the "front lines" last night of the police telling people to turn off their cameras. It's just damning to do that.

Finally, my biggest point: WHO THE EFF IS IN CHARGE? My issue lies with whatever idiot is making these decisions. Ferguson PD is no longer "in charge" of the situation, although they did their best to screw the pooch. So then St. Louis PD is "in charge", and I'm assuming that's within their jurisdiction. The lack of timely response by elected officials, both state and federal, is appalling. Stand the heck up. How are you okay with this happening? What about this situation is right? It's being run terribly, it's a power trip, and it seems to be illegal.

Let me state: I know and love many officers of the law. They are great people who do a wonderful job protecting my own and other communities, but every profession has bad apples. It's not an easy job, and if you give a guy with anger issues a gun and power...things will go wrong. If you give a guy with these issues control over an entire force, you have police officers walking around like they're about to disarm a bomb, not deal with a relatively small crowd of angry people. From what I've watched, there have been instances of the protesters becoming rioters, but in many cases they're simply yelling mean words through a loud speaker.


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Jul 6, 2010
North Jersey
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I think this thread is in danger of veering off course from what it was originally intended for. If not, I'll hush up.
Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
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Our office fridge stopped fridging. We learned just how many things were left behind by previous students, hidden behind other things, or falling down behind the drawers.

The smell. Oh God, the smell.


Team Player
Jul 6, 2010
North Jersey
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Our office fridge stopped fridging. We learned just how many things were left behind by previous students, hidden behind other things, or falling down behind the drawers.

The smell. Oh God, the smell.

Food fridge or important specimen fridge?


Lifelong Cynic
Sep 21, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Didn't want to quote your whole post Pix because it would make things a little crazy-long, but a couple of thoughts.

I don't disagree on #1, except that it's not the individual officer's fault that he has no dashcam, unless he tampered with or removed it. Like I said, I like to have all the facts. There have been a number of interesting studies on the reliability (or lack thereof) of eye witnesses to events. Here's just one example talking about the topic:
Why Science Tells Us Not to Rely on Eyewitness Accounts - Scientific American

There could also be a distinct racial factor from the eye witnesses. I don't know this to specifically be the case, but in a town with significant racial tensions and a population that is something like 70% African American but a police force that's 90% white, it's not a stretch to believe that there could be a (deserved) distrust for the town PD in general.

Regarding #3, I see it as a double-edged sword. In the current situation, they are criticized for being overly militarized and heavy-handed. If this situation suddenly turned into LA 1992 though, the police force would be criticized for not doing enough to keep the situation from getting out of control. It's a tough balance to keep and one that they don't seem to be handling real well. I think part of that comes from the fact that this is a big-city force coming to a small town.

Regarding #4, I don't know the rules in Missouri specifically, but I know that where I live the PD together with the city/county do have a certain degree of flexibility to establish and enforce temporary curfews.


Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy bacon
Apr 19, 2010
City on the Edge of Forever
Hoopla Cash
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Is your specimen fridge running? I think I just saw it round the corner.

/Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 754.60
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Our office fridge stopped fridging. We learned just how many things were left behind by previous students, hidden behind other things, or falling down behind the drawers.

The smell. Oh God, the smell.

Great Caesar's ghost! Please tell me the beer fridge is OK.


I'm So High Right Now
Apr 27, 2010
The Blue Lotus Opium Den
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/Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk
