What do I type in that situation? Water!
Aloe or bust.
What do I type in that situation? Water!
All I know from my family history is from my dad's side. My great grandparents were no better than serfs in Ukraine and got out before the shit really hit the fan around the turn of the 20th century. Don't really know where they got the money for the trip to the United States, but they landed in Pittsburgh where my grandfather was born. My grandmother, however, came in from Vancouver and they then eventually hooked up in Detroit where my dad was born.
I'm glad to see someone else ends their posts with it, but you did misspell burn.
That's a sad story, bro. To come all the way from the Ukraine only to be trapped in Pittsburgh. And to escape from there only to find yourself in Detroit. Oh, the humanity... tragic stuff.... tragic stuff.
I'm half-retard, deal with it.
On the contrary. Those were the days when Pitt and Detroit were in their glory days.
Edit: BURN!
Oh, and my dad still has a full head of hair at 70 years of age. BURN!
So you signed up for a free trial and that's what you found out about your family tree?
So you signed up for a free trial and that's what you found out about your family tree?
Good zing... well, if you'd said burn at the end.
I just had a delightful daydream where I dreamt I found out I was related to both Daryl Hall and John Oates!
That's all well and good, comeds, but
I can't go for that (No Can Do)
I'd be a Rich Girl if I were related to both!
I just had a delightful daydream where I dreamt I found out I was related to both Daryl Hall and John Oates!