Bossman you'll be missed
Well 88, you didn't miss anything the first half of the first inning. 3 batters, 3 strikeouts...
Was it your decision to be unemployed, Higgy?
No it wasn't, but I'm happier for it. Since they switched me to another department I was miserable there.
Well, then that's good right? I mean, the drop in income sucks, but if you're not happy, that sucks too.
That stinks. I will probably miss a bit on my drive home. The good news is I will now be "working" at home tomorrow so I will be able to watch that one.
Enjoy the series, and good luck!
There are advantages to being unemployed and having no life, I won't miss a minute...
Well 88, you didn't miss anything the first half of the first inning. 3 batters, 3 strikeouts...
Kinsler has now accounted for 31 of the 99 pitches Tillman has thrown tonight.