I like your beard.
He really hasn't. One guy who does, and I really enjoy: Torres. I love that guy.
I was the athletic trainer for a very physical, competitive Men's Soccer team. And they never pulled this type of stuff. They got up. We went on that field twice that year, once was a shredded hamstring in the playoffs, the other? A torn ACL.
my goodness, what a timely save
the play at 2:26.... how long do you think Ronaldo or any of these clowns would have stayed down for?
So... The Devils won, The Celtics lost, Pacman got robbed...
At least Germany won.
off to a rip roaring start
oh boy
/although i need to ask ... have they ruled out the possibility that actual monkeys were watching netherlands train
Euro 2012 has yet to begin, but the fears of fan racism have already begun to be realized.
During an open training session in Krakow, Poland, the Netherlands national team was reportedly subjected to monkey noises and chants from fans in the crowd. The Dutch FA is not submitting a formal complaint, so no action will be taken, but the incident highlights a bigger issue with the tournament's opening games just hours away.
UEFA has claimed to have instituted a no-tolerance policy for fan racism, anticipating some issues in Poland and Ukraine. Thursday's incident puts UEFA under immediate pressure to follow through, and the governing body of European soccer released a statement regarding the Dutch training session.
"Should such behaviour happen at further training sessions, UEFA would evaluate the operational measures to be taken to protect players," UEFA said in a statement. "UEFA has now been made aware that there were some isolated incidents of racist chanting that occurred at the open training session of the Dutch team. UEFA has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to discriminatory behavior and has given the power to referees to stop matches in case of any repeated racist behavior."
The Dutch better get their act together on defense or Germany is going to TORCH them.