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OT: 6th grader brings gun to school


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
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Not necessarily. But anyway, lets not make it easy for him by having him just be able to walk over to his mm's cupboard and get them, right? Even the most ardent supporter of guns has to see that any kind of enforced gun control law makes it more difficult for these clowns to get weapons like that.

It might make it more difficult but the results are still the same whether it was simple or not.

I'm not against some restrictions like banning large clip and magazine sizes but I don't see any point in a gun ban or major restrictions because you're not addressing the heart of the actual problem in that there was something seriously wrong with the person's brain.

I mean maybe he can't obtain the guns so he decides to pull a Timothy McVeigh instead and blows the whole school up with a truck bomb. Or load up a bag full of pipe bombs, try to gas the entire school, or etc.

My point is crazy people if they are bent on killing a lot of people are going to figure out a way to do it with or without a gun.


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Aug 11, 2011
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This all just makes me sad. Where else but America would the answer to another massacre is MORE GUNS. Its psychosis, like with Russians and vodka. I think the problem is that people gain way too much of a masculine sense of power with guns, they are a symbol and that's why people fight so hard about any regulation. Take away their guns and you're taking away their power and some of their manhood, so they freak.

That's the only sensible explanation I can figure for this insane situation.


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Sep 10, 2011
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Or she should not have been able to buy them at all?

Should hunting be illegal? She used guns for hunting. They weren't merely "toys," as some continue to call them. And that's another thing, people continuously calling guns "toys" projects an overall ignorance about firearms. Guns are not a toy, they are not a joke, and they are not only for committing crimes against others.

People need to stop thinking of issues in such black & white terms.


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Aug 11, 2011
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I'm not against some restrictions like banning large clip and magazine sizes but I don't see any point in a gun ban or major restrictions because you're not addressing the heart of the actual problem in that there was something seriously wrong with the person's brain.

Yeah, let's ban crazy people, there's a sensible answer. This is like saying let's not fight global warming, we'll outlaw hurricanes instead.


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Aug 11, 2011
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My point is crazy people if they are bent on killing a lot of people are going to figure out a way to do it with or without a gun.

Yeah, I hear this a lot.

You know a nutcase attacked a school in China last week? He wasn't able to kill anyone. This is because all he had was a KNIFE. He couldn't get a gun, and he wanted to kill people. China doesn't just let anyone have a gun though. Why didn't he use a gun for his attempted massacre?


Apr 26, 2010
Culver City, CA
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Should hunting be illegal? She used guns for hunting. They weren't merely "toys," as some continue to call them. And that's another thing, people continuously calling guns "toys" projects an overall ignorance about firearms. Guns are not a toy, they are not a joke, and they are not only for committing crimes against others.

People need to stop thinking of issues in such black & white terms.

Sorry but, no, it does not. A firearm that is used only for recreation makes it just that, a toy. Just like a car enthusiast with a new hot rod has a new toy.

There is a point where firearms stop being tools for hunting and home protection and become toys used for recreation. It is that I recognize how dangerous they can be that makes it so frustrating when the only reason people own them is for recreation.


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It might make it more difficult but the results are still the same whether it was simple or not.

I'm not against some restrictions like banning large clip and magazine sizes but I don't see any point in a gun ban or major restrictions because you're not addressing the heart of the actual problem in that there was something seriously wrong with the person's brain.

I mean maybe he can't obtain the guns so he decides to pull a Timothy McVeigh instead and blows the whole school up with a truck bomb. Or load up a bag full of pipe bombs, try to gas the entire school, or etc.

My point is crazy people if they are bent on killing a lot of people are going to figure out a way to do it with or without a gun.

I have to call "Baloney" on that one. This guy was a loser without enough motivation or smarts to be able to secure these under tightly enforced gun control.


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Sep 10, 2011
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Yeah, I hear this a lot.

You know a nutcase attacked a school in China last week? He wasn't able to kill anyone. This is because all he had was a KNIFE. He couldn't get a gun, and he wanted to kill people. China doesn't just let anyone have a gun though. Why didn't he use a gun for his attempted massacre?

China also uses tanks to run over its citizens, restricts freedom of speech, and restricts parents in urban centers to 1 child per family with what they call their "family planning policy."

I don't see how your point can be expanded as a model for the USA.

Arete Tzu

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I own guns and believe in the 2nd amendment. I oppose anyone speaking of a total ban on all guns. No tragic mass shooting will ever change that, but I absolutely hate the NRA and their vision of the world, where there is no regulations, and guns are handed out like candy. Their vision is driven by profit and obsession, it's not common sense. It's not in my best interest.

It should be more difficult to get guns. Gun collectors who cry about having to wait long could toughen up or eat shit. There is no reason to flood the street with assault rifles with massive clips. Those are military weapons. No reasonable person hunts with them, and a shot gun or pistol is all you really need to defend your home.

But i feel this way with out any mass shooting occurring. Someone could do a mass shooting with any type of gun. It won't stop it, it will only make it harder, but the same is true fro banning all guns. Mass shootings are illegal that doesn't stop people from doing it, and it won't stop people from getting guns when they want them. I could go buy some guns off the streets right now as easy as I could buy weed.


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Mar 13, 2012
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This all just makes me sad. Where else but America would the answer to another massacre is MORE GUNS. Its psychosis, like with Russians and vodka. I think the problem is that people gain way too much of a masculine sense of power with guns, they are a symbol and that's why people fight so hard about any regulation. Take away their guns and you're taking away their power and some of their manhood, so they freak.

That's the only sensible explanation I can figure for this insane situation.

Its as silly as that. It makes no sense. It is tough to argue the issue sensibly though with someone who believes this because the whole premise they base their argument on is so patently absurd that they cannot see logic on the subject.


True story
Aug 3, 2011
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I have to call "Baloney" on that one. This guy was a loser without enough motivation or smarts to be able to secure these under tightly enforced gun control.

Smart enough to use his brothers liscense to but pistol ammo. Smart enough to know he would get buzzed in and not be questioned because his mother worked their.


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China also uses tanks to run over its citizens, restricts freedom of speech, and restricts parents in urban centers to 1 child per family with what they call their "family planning policy."

I don't see how your point can be expanded as a model for the USA.

Baloney. That guy in Tiananmen square is famous because they did not run him over. Not even the Chinese would do that. They arrested him, yes, and he is probably dead now but they did not run over him with a tank. I was assigned to the embasy in Beijing at the time.


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Aug 11, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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China also uses tanks to run over its citizens, restricts freedom of speech, and restricts parents in urban centers to 1 child per family with what they call their "family planning policy."

I don't see how your point can be expanded as a model for the USA.

The quote I was responding to said its pointless to pass laws regarding gun control, because gun control is impossible and criminals cannot be stopped from getting guns. Clearly this is not the case, China has successfully prevented this guy from getting a gun.

So maybe you want to pull the old "they'll figure out a way to do it with or without a gun" cliche out of the rotation, because its obviously not true. We can bring up countless similar examples from other countries that restrict guns. Australia's gun ban, and the related outcome and statistics, are a massive rebuttal against almost every stupid argument gun-nuts use - its worked amazingly well - and that's a country that is a lot more like the US.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
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I have to call "Baloney" on that one. This guy was a loser without enough motivation or smarts to be able to secure these under tightly enforced gun control.

Last I read is they believe that it was planned and there are plenty of losers without motivation or smarts that can secure drugs and if they can secure drugs they can secure guns.

And tightly enforced gun control is a fantasy. We can't even put a dent in drugs or gang activity even though it stares us right in the face. So what hopes do you have of tightly enforced gun control? It would be low on the police priorities who already are stretching their resources to the max.


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Sep 17, 2011
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This all just makes me sad. Where else but America would the answer to another massacre is MORE GUNS. Its psychosis, like with Russians and vodka. I think the problem is that people gain way too much of a masculine sense of power with guns, they are a symbol and that's why people fight so hard about any regulation. Take away their guns and you're taking away their power and some of their manhood, so they freak.

That's the only sensible explanation I can figure for this insane situation.

It makes up for their small hapenis.


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Smart enough to use his brothers liscense to but pistol ammo. Smart enough to know he would get buzzed in and not be questioned because his mother worked their.

I heard the mother was a former employee. Again though he didn't need to be smart to get the ammo because gun control laws are not enforced. If they were, neither his brother or him would be able to buy it because these guns would be banned and consequently no ammo would be carried for them.


True story
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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This all just makes me sad. Where else but America would the answer to another massacre is MORE GUNS. Its psychosis, like with Russians and vodka. I think the problem is that people gain way too much of a masculine sense of power with guns, they are a symbol and that's why people fight so hard about any regulation. Take away their guns and you're taking away their power and some of their manhood, so they freak.

That's the only sensible explanation I can figure for this insane situation.

You do realize the only thing that has EVER stopped a mass shooting his a civilian with there CCW right? There have been several mass shotings that were stopped because of this. Two of which I know happened at schools.


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Sep 17, 2011
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China also uses tanks to run over its citizens, restricts freedom of speech, and restricts parents in urban centers to 1 child per family with what they call their "family planning policy."

I don't see how your point can be expanded as a model for the USA.

This is the kind of uneducated drivel I would expect from pro gun people. They can' never make a sound argument. Just a lot of "one time at band camp" excuses, and flat out lies.


Apr 26, 2010
Culver City, CA
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Pivot, pivot, pivot, pivot. Let's talk about China now. Anything so that I won't be forced to justify ordinary citizens owning assault weapons.