Duke of Douchington
Needle Mover
I assume these are high school kids. What sort of event were they displaying with a random number of kids from a random number of schools?
I assume these are high school kids. What sort of event were they displaying with a random number of kids from a random number of schools?
I assume these are high school kids. What sort of event were they displaying with a random number of kids from a random number of schools?
NHL signs 16-year apparel deal with Fanatics
How you know the NHL is really going hard after the American market:
"Fanatics will also add sizes -- up to 5XL for men"
NHL signs 16-year apparel deal with Fanatics
How you know the NHL is really going hard after the American market:
"Fanatics will also add sizes -- up to 5XL for men"
He looks like a ready-made Bill Daly replacement:Actually, if you have seen Keith lately (he was at last night's game in St. Louis watching his son take on the Blues), that pic isn't that much of an exaggeration.
hole placement should be lower, no?
He looks like a ready-made Bill Daly replacement:
Simply a deplorable post, jstew.
hole placement should be lower, no?
hopefully theres not alot of rough near the hole
NHL signs 16-year apparel deal with Fanatics
How you know the NHL is really going hard after the American market:
"Fanatics will also add sizes -- up to 5XL for men"
I think one of the vintage companies hold the rights to make Whaler jerseys.Those guys can fuck themselves.
I put "Hartford Whalers" in their search like a year and a half ago and it brought up Carolina Hurricanes gear.
Fuck. You.