Stance: Goofy
Who's to say he isn't, though? Who's to say there isn't another GM that would pay that?
I don't think the agents are out of line, I think the RFA system in general is broken to begin with and in a league where the player is restricted pretty much through to the end of their prime why the hell would I blame an agent for maximising what a player gets? I think if we were allowing players to compete for money in a system wherein it makes more sense to negotiate for more money in their younger years we would see fewer long-term big-money contracts for guys in their 30s that they will never ever ever live up to and everyone benefits from that.
There are plenty of agents that can negotiate without alienating teammates, fans, or holding training camps hostage and still make their players happy. Agents can get great contracts done without us hearing even once who the agent is and without stupid trade demands and criticisms of the entire organization.
Kurt Overhardt is not one of those agents.