Bloody Brian Burke
#1 CFL Fan!
I wasn't really looking to compare Phil to anyone.I'm surprised that you didn't realize that I didn't select Shanny's stat line specifically because he was the best comparison, or even a good one. Hell I didn't even look for a good comparison, Shanny was literally the only guy I looked at.
I just know that if any other player were in discussion that had played worse for 2 consecutive years in his late 20's you'd be all over it as a warning sign, and that usually getting rid of the player before the warnings prove true would be the best play for a team would it not? But because it's Phil and because the team had to pay what amounts to cockroach food in order to get him off the books it's seen as...I don't even know. Unjust?
The only, and I mean only part about dealing Kessel that bugs me is that Lamoriello wasn't around to trade him. I wish they had hired him before the draft because maybe he would've gotten a better deal for him. Otherwise, it's worked out pretty well.