Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
3rd straight game bieksa is a -2 
Wears #2 and plays like a #2

Wears #2 and plays like a #2

Dallas really needs to cut ties with Let-them-in, I mean how many years of seeing this guy give up back-breaking goals do you need before you realize he just can't deliver the type of goaltending you need to win in the playoffs?
Oilers are gonna miss Yakupov, finally having a decent season and...
*checks recent stats*
We used to have a player around here who got carried around by his linemate and made everyone think he was good.He was having a good season until McBrokenClavicle...
i think if youre gonna hand over the goalie job to the new up and comer, you gotta keep teaching him the same way (looking at the Coil and Cam Talbot too) ... from 30thoughts via provies
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I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this for 24 hours.
After spending years modernizing his game with one of the best goalie coaches in the NHL, Lack’s technique is being overhauled — some would say regressed — in a way that exposes the weaker parts of his game rather than playing to his strengths?
And people in Carolina just nod their heads saying “of course?”
That’s something.
I’m just going to leave this right here:
Eddie Lack’s save percentage with Rollie Melanson last year: .921
Eddie Lack’s save percentage with David Marcoux this year: .875
Gotta think Radulov will join his former junior coach in Colorado.
I'm starting to think that the Divelanche have gone full Oiler.
Am I the only one who sees E.Staal's career trajectory playing out a lot like Vinny Lecavalier?