The Bad Guy
You must not listen to the show that you call into every day on the radio either..........the one where they mention Adrus Peat's name every day......
Well, first of all, they don't mention his name every day.
Second, I have trained my brain to shut off when recruiting talk comes on. Hell, I listen the the basketball talk before I give a shit about the recruiting talk. I still have no clue where this Pete guy plays, where he is from, and where he is going to school. I know it isn't Nebraska because of all you girls crying over a 17-18 year old dude. I actually heard a guy a week or so ago say, "when Pete got accepted (to some school not named Nebraska) it killed me". A 17-18 year old kid getting accepted into another school "killed him". Oh how I wish that was true!!!! Thinning the herd.