New Member
It has an uncanny resemblence to Kris Kristoferson
I see no issue with rebuilding it. I thought it was pretty inspirational.
It has an uncanny resemblence to Kris Kristoferson
Being a member of a church myself, I have no issue with them rebuilding it. If they have the means, and people are willing to put-forth, I'm not going to judge how they spend their money.
I think the outlet mall in Monroe is the new central point for settling any dispute. If you are not willing to show up there, then keep your trap shut! LOL
I'm a little jaded by my experiences as an ex-board member at my previous church, before I moved out of KY. I'll try not to start ranting.
UC FBall and BBall loses. OSU loses.
I now predict a Baltimore 27 point win over our Bengals.
Fuck me sideways.
UK giving an epic beatdown to Penn St. 47-15 at halftime.
that's a good omen right?