Why am I not surprised that coach "sudfield will be great because i said so and I dont needs facts or logic to support my case" spurrier is a passionate trump fanboy?
god only knows , he replaced a conservative judge with one but the numbers were pretty staggering anyway so i would say nothingAnd he did what exactly to get this done..??
The numbers have never supported those protesting the name. The protesters had media backing though. There is little that can be done now other than bitchin' and complaining. I'd say I feel for Mike Wise but I would be lying.
I couldn't stand him because he just sucked as a reporter and a journalist.oh i dont feel for him either . the reason is he spent years covering the team and took pay checks doing it and then he wants to cry foul about the name because of his white guilt .
then he latches on to this name change crusade in order to make himself relevant and further his career by being an activist instead of being a journalist
add to it his holier than thou arrogance and you have the reasons why i dislike him
anyone in northern VA know why ESPN 980 stopped broadcasting on 94.3 ?
prayers to his family . when i lived in fredericksburg i loved his workmy favorite local personality.
one cool dude.
They went to AM only a few weeks ago Krush. I think the FO at the radio station is struggling also.