Well-Known Member
Honestly, no. I think a lot of factors went into this becoming a completely overblown sideshow. Inflating balls is hardly a serious offense as every QB and kicker treats balls to their specific liking. In this case, the ball inflation had zero to do with the outcome. What the NFL should've done was to conduct its own short internal investigation, conclude that a minor violation occurred, and then proceeded to slap Brady on the wrist. What they did instead was to make Ted Wells into another Archibald Cox. By doing that, they allowed what was at most an infraction to become something like a capital offense. They could've easily have won the PR battle by selling a dignitary penalty based on the fact that the Pats destroyed the Colts in the second half with properly inflated balls. If anything, the Colts should've wanted more of those deflated balls. One big reason for the big to-do was because the Pats were serial offenders. Yet, that still didn't warrant this huge circus of a PR disaster.
Have to disagree. It is as bad as a pitcher using sand papered balls to change his grip. Or a pro paintball player cranking up the pressure on his gun after its been chrono'ed. The whole point in Bradys case was to make the ball easier to grip, thus making his ability to throw on target better, AND make it easier for his WRs to catch. That would be like me going into world cup, and then cranking my gun to 340 fps basically extending the range and making it more likely that any hits I do get will break at a farther range. Mind you cup limits are 280-300 max. So if I basically added another 30 yards to my range, and 30% chance of any hit breaking.... Did I mildly cheat??
Bottom line he was cheating intentionally. 4 games is a slap on the wrist.