Absentem laedit cum ebrio
Im game, but nobody really likes my picks so I would not be much help..
Dude, we sat through the past 15 years or so of AD. How bad can you be?
Im game, but nobody really likes my picks so I would not be much help..
10-6 IF Schaub gets his mojo back and the team gels, along with GREAT coaching from DA, Olson, and Tarver.. Ya that's a lot of IFs?? But ya NEVER know till they play the game..
10-6 IF Schaub gets his mojo back and the team gels, along with GREAT coaching from DA, Olson, and Tarver.. Ya that's a lot of IFs?? But ya NEVER know till they play the game..
10-6 IF Schaub gets his mojo back and the team gels, along with GREAT coaching from DA, Olson, and Tarver.. Ya that's a lot of IFs?? But ya NEVER know till they play the game..
And yes my Raiders can finish 5-11, but so can any other team in the NFL.. The Texans and Falcons are proof of that.. IS YOUR TEAM NEXT??