Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Yeah, but it became abundantly clear for other than goalies, there were too many moving parts to accurately reflect all of them in a stat. These advanced team stats tend to work ok, but all they really show are regressions to the mean over time - it doesn't take a statistician to tell me if a team dominates in puck possession and shots on goal, they will usually have good results barring a hot goalie - hence the goalie can have these VORP like stats, but not the skaters.
Stats in baseball are, for the most part, cut and dried - there is very little interpretation or subjective matter involved aside from defensive metrics. But that is becaue each pitch or batted ball in play is an independant event - no such events short of a penalty shot in hockey exist. These advanced hockey stats cannot take all the "specifics" of a hockey play and boil it down to a single stat - too many moving parts to do so. They may be getting better, but still nowhere as reliable as baseball stats are.
i know the current advanced stats arent the be all end all ... but they can be better quantifiers for some players than goals, assists, time on ice, +/-, and the "eyeball test" that old dunces like Craig Button adhere to
ie gem from this morning
@CraigJButton: Why stats lie. Drew Doughty played 25:50 with no points & an even plus/minus yet was dominant.
Jonathan Willis @JonathanWillis 1h +7 Fenwick, +12 Corsi.
if Suter were to win the Norris, he'd be the first to win it (in the past 6 years where Corsi data is available) with a negative Corsi ... just sayin