Well-Known Member
How long it has been around has a lot to do with it. But as you mentioned, things change all the time. There are a lot of factors to consider before making changes. I don't think "we made this hard for the defense so we need to counter that with a restriction for the offense" plays into. While it may seem unfair to the defense, each team has an offense and defense so there isn't any actual unfairness to the team as a whole.
I was thinking more along the lines of how all the rule changes seem to benefit the offense. The league is doing what baseball did with the juiced balls, more offense means more ticket sales. I agree both teams play within the same rules, just that the league keeps making it more and more difficult for defenses.Exactly. The fact that it is unfair to all defenses equally means it's not really unfair.
What was unfair was that the offensive player was much more likely to experience a game/season/career ending injury from this play.