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NFL fines Polamalu for calling his wife to let him know he was ok


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Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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"Polamalu was fined $10,000 for calling his wife to let her know he was fine after suffering a concussion."

It was in the article. So blame ESPN rather than me. :p

Hahaha! Fair enough!


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Aug 12, 2011
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Don't have a problem with the fine as it's against policy and no matter the reason you know better. Just have a coach or one of the many lackeys on the sideline make that call for you. And seriously I think she would only be really worried if you were not moving and had to be carted off the field with a neck brace.

Goodell doesn't particulary bother me as much as he does other people but I think they are way over fining people. As I said in the Aldon Smith thread unless it's something that's a head to head launch, repeat offender that's been warned, or a blatant unsportsmanlike conduct the in game penalty should be enough and their is no need to fine people.


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Sep 10, 2011
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So guys that aren't trouble makers should be allowed to have cell phones on the sideline, but trouble makers aren't?

Do you have the list of players who are *NOT* trouble makers that are allowed to have phones so this rule can be enforced properly?

a warning would have been appropriate. especially when something will give the league bad press, the nfl has to be aware of these things.


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Aug 2, 2011
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a warning would have been appropriate. especially when something will give the league bad press, the nfl has to be aware of these things.

Bullshit. The rule is no cellphones on the sideline. What other rules should garner warnings before fines?


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it's the nfl that walks away with the black eye over it not me. if they did fine him it should have been 5k max given other fines.


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Aug 2, 2011
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it's the nfl that walks away with the black eye over it not me. if they did fine him it should have been 5k max given other fines.

You now know the fine system for the NFL?

What if he had money on the game and was checking the over-under to decide if she could go back in?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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I think it's ridiculous how preventing what would amount to few moments of worry on the part of a spouse of someone who plays in the national friggn' football league constitutes an excuse, for some people, to break the rules of said league that provides a Sultan-like living for his entire family.

Remember when people didn't get information instantaneously? Before people had cellular phones did the spouses of people who hurt themselves on TV all die of heart attacks waiting to hear if their loved ones were ok? God forbid someone isn't IMMEDIATELY comforted with word their loved one is ok because those few minutes it would've taken someone else to call her are the difference between life and death.


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Aug 4, 2011
Santa Rosa, CA
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I think it's ridiculous how preventing what would amount to few moments of worry on the part of a spouse of someone who plays in the national friggn' football league constitutes an excuse, for some people, to break the rules of said league that provides a Sultan-like living for his entire family.

Remember when people didn't get information instantaneously? Before people had cellular phones did the spouses of people who hurt themselves on TV all die of heart attacks waiting to hear if their loved ones were ok? God forbid someone isn't IMMEDIATELY comforted with word their loved one is ok because those few minutes it would've taken someone else to call her are the difference between life and death.

Few moments of worry? My wife is worried about me all day if I wake up in a bad mood. Can't imagine what it would be like if I suffered a head injury.

Injuries should be the exception to the rule. What kind of workplace forces you to leave the work space to make a phone call when you're injured? Unless you're unconscious, your spouse is going to want to talk to you not your co-worker or boss.


Semi Lurker
Aug 5, 2011
In Front of the PC
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Few moments of worry? My wife is worried about me all day if I wake up in a bad mood. Can't imagine what it would be like if I suffered a head injury.

Injuries should be the exception to the rule. What kind of workplace forces you to leave the work space to make a phone call when you're injured? Unless you're unconscious, your spouse is going to want to talk to you not your co-worker or boss.

With all due respect though... Football is a violent sport and concussions can occur at any given play... It's part of the hazzards of being a football player... Therefore by extention, his wife should be aware of this consequence.. Unless your job has the same hazzard, it's really not the comparible to your work place... I doubt that your work place has the same policy on cell phones either...Besides, he was fined for violating a policy... Something he is aware of... The reason does not invalidate the violation.. As stated by someone earlier, the HEADLINE of the article was worded in such a way to ellicit responses... It's basically a sensationalized headline... I mean the jist of the article should be straight forward --- Palomalu was fined for violating league policy on cell phone use... That's it... End of story...


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
Injuries should be the exception to the rule. What kind of workplace forces you to leave the work space to make a phone call when you're injured?

The kind that has millions of people watching and billions of dollars being bet on it.

Unless you're unconscious, your spouse is going to want to talk to you not your co-worker or boss.

And I'm gonna want to get paid 10 million dollars a year to do my job. People don't always get EVERYTHING they want.


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Aug 2, 2011
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Injuries should be the exception to the rule. What kind of workplace forces you to leave the work space to make a phone call when you're injured?

To expand on what Sick said, I would ask what injuries would be excepted? If a guy breaks his finger should he be allowed to call his wife/gf/parents to let them know he's okay? What if a guy wants to call his wife and says he was injured to make it kosher?

What about the other way? When there have been players whose wives could give birth any minute always have a number to reach a team official that can let the player know. Should they have a direct line to their husband/baby daddy?


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Aug 5, 2011
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Teams used to have landlines and wives in the stands. But Der Fuhrer has shown he rules with an Iron fist and when it comes to the Steelers he borrow Joe Stalin's Iron boot. Common sense should apply. Head Trauma, injuries where the bring the cart maybe. But hey rules is rules. And by know everyone should know Goodell is a power hungry Tyrant so its not like its a suprise hes out looking for blood after the minions dared to disrespect him and have a work stoppage.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
Teams used to have landlines and wives in the stands. But Der Fuhrer has shown he rules with an Iron fist and when it comes to the Steelers he borrow Joe Stalin's Iron boot.

WOAH! Talk about the ultimate in melodramatic commentary. It wasn't enough to compare Goddell to Adolph Hitler; you had to throw Stalin in there. He isn't bad enough to compare to Mao? Oh, and when teams had land lines they could use there wasn't a little something called online betting.

Common sense should apply.

Waiting fifteen minutes in your mansion to hear from someone should apply.

But hey rules is rules.

Yeah, something like that.

And by know everyone should know Goodell is a power hungry Tyrant


so its not like its a suprise hes out looking for blood after the minions dared to disrespect him and have a work stoppage.

Blood huh? Ten Grand. What's that? 5% of one of his pay checks for breaking a clear NFL rule? You're right; that's EXECATLY like the holocaust.