Mr. Knowitall

If you were anywhere near jonnys level of vulgarity, there'd be a whole lot more cussing in that sentence. Sorry, buddy.![]()
Really? You don't think JonnyTata gets it?
No, it’s not time to vote yet. I just wanted to get suggestions on some possible changes. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, here are last year’s award nominees and winners. (
Below are the proposed rules and categories (changes/new are italicized). The biggest rule change is that the winner in any category is not eligible for THAT same category the next year (aka this year, but will be again the following year, they are also still eligible for any other category). Idea being we might just repeat winners in a lot of cases due to inertia with so many potential people to vote for. That’s not saying many of last year’s winners don’t deserve the award again, but I think it’s better to spread the love a little since there would be an inherent bias.
If you guys hate or love the new categories/rules or have ideas for new categories, let me know. Thanks.
The 2nd Annual SportsHoopla Hockey Awards - The Hookies
RULES:-Please PM me with your votes to keep it anonymous. (AGAIN - DON'T SEND ME A PM, I'M JUST GATHERING FEEDBACK)
-You can vote for up to 2 posters for each category (you can vote only one if you so desire)
-Each poster can receive only one vote overall (e.g. - if you voted for someone for best poster, you cannot also vote them for funniest)
-Exempt – You can’t vote for me (since I’m being PMed, it would be unfair) and you can’t vote for someone in a category they won last year (but can still vote for them in another)
CATEGORIES:-Best Poster - vote for the person you feel is the best overall poster
-Most Hilarious Poster - vote for the person that makes you laugh the hardest
-Best Moderator - vote for the person you think is doing the best job as moderator
-Best Team Knowledge - poster who offers the best perspective, news about his/her team
-Best Avatar - vote for the poster whose avatar you like the best
-Best Team Fans (group award) – vote for the fans of the NHL team you think make the best posts on here
-Best Poster We Want to See More Often – vote for your favorite poster that rarely or infrequently stops by the board (must be under 1,000 posts)
-Best New Poster – vote for the best poster to join from Jan. ’11 until now
-Best Sig Line or Custom User Title – vote for the poster whose signature or custom user title are the best (it can be either one or both that you like)
Also possible considerations based on the individual post (attributed to who did it), can’t decide if these would work well or not. I think these categories might need nominees to work. Push me off the fence people…
-Best Routine Shtick – Best go to routine of a poster (example – Winged Wheel “Reported” when posters say “To Be Fair”, IPW being a horse, Dash’s puns, etc.)
-Best Original Artwork – Best jpeg, gif, or animated gif created by a poster
I think people enjoyed these last year and I can't remember the number of voters, but I think it was 40ish. The Hookies will return in mid-June.
Hoping to do a video for the awards this year.
There should be a hater of the year award
Okay, so in all seriousness, so far I have heard....
Beantown - give the new categories a try
Boss - maybe we shouldn't have only one vote per category
Any other serious thoughts? Thoughts on exempting the previous year's winner? The new categories? Any ideas not related to a category clearly set up specifically for you? ; )
How about:
Best poster in the 02780 zip code?
Best poster born on 3/19/61?
Best poster with a twin sister?
Best poster who drives a green 96 Grand Am?
Best poster who owns a Suzuki classical guitar circa 1960?
Best male poster with a small....Never mind, I cant win that one