Mecca of the “B” Team
This is all semantics.See. This isn't true.
Wade and LeBron were both legit superstar players when they joined forces. They were 2 of the top 3 players in the league (possibly top 2). Love and Bosh compare fairly well. I think Bosh is better, but it is a good comp. Kyrie is an all star and a good player, but nowhere near Wade's level in '09.
Call the Cavs a superteams if you want, but they are not as "super" as the Warriors or the Heat. They are more on the level of the KG/Pierce/Allen Celtics.
Just because the Cavs have lower level Stars, doesn't preclude them from being a Super Team.
That's like saying Stockton doesn't qualify to be HoFer because he didn't win a Ring like Magic.
Just because Magic had a BETTER career, doesn't make what John did average.
I can find you several articles, from folks who do this for a living, who refute your entire argument.
Definition Of A Super Team:
A Super Team is a team with three guys that prior to playing together in the NBA, were on other teams in the NBA as the best player on that team. They are Top 5 players in the game and they are also under 30 years old.
As history has shown, a Big Three or Big Four is deadly, but can be defeated. Super Teams are built to cripple the competition. Top 5 players in a league should NEVER be playing on the same team. When you discuss Super Teams, no one in that conference or the NBA factors into the title conversation because no one really has a chance of defeating them.
Irving was the Alpha male and the lone All-Star on a rebuilding Cleveland Cavs squad and he was already one of the best point guards in the Eastern Conference. Kevin Love was a 26-point and 14-rebound superstar on Minnesota and the narrative was that he was the best power forward in the NBA.
Kyrie and Love were No. 1 players on their own teams and Top 3 players at their respective positions. Combine them with the supreme player in the game in LeBron, who was barely 30 when he came home in 2015 and you have another Super Team. "
The Shadow League | Breaking Down The Definition Of An NBA Big Three
Knicks vs. Warriors: Examining what makes an NBA 'super-team'
Battle of the Super-Teams: Grading Cavs vs. Warriors at the NBA midseason point