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My review/thoughts on our playoff Carolina win


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No disrespect to those guys since they both had good games but Brooks went Super Sayian in this game. Huge tackle on Cam on the goal-line. Was in on the other goal-line stop. Had 2 sacks. Went Superman over the top (yes I know he was offsides) Just all around great game by Brooks.

I'm glad the refs didn't fall for Cam's flop. I thought for sure that they were going to call a personal foul and give the Panthers a first down.


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If you cherry pick one or two games you can make almost any QB look really good or really bad. Shit, if you just look at last year's playoffs and his stats you would think Flacco is a good QB. Kap isn't on the same level as most of those guys. Not even close.

The guy locks on to receivers, has problems managing the clock, doesn't read defenses well, is erratic with his throws, sees ghosts in the pocket, etc., etc.

I like Kap and I love his potential but he's not an elite QB at this point. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

While Kaep has room for improvement and is not yet elite a lot of your assessments are in themselves general statements that anyone could make. As you yourself quote about cherry picking any QB even those considered elite have bouts of all of those short comings at one time or another. The question is who can quantify those. In respect to some of your statements---- One I would answer unless you are in the film room when the games and players are being assessed how would you know that Kaep doesn't read defenses well. You cant. Not really. That is the same response that Kaep gave to Trent Dilfer in that respect. No one except the coaches and team really knows why plays break down- unless the QB throws into coverage and then it's obvious unless the wr ran a wrong route. That's the point you don't know- you are mearly guessing. --------The statement that he has problems managing the clock is something that was put on both Alex and Kaep. I never bought into that for a variety of reasons. It is now obvious to more people- at least those that keep up with newer articles that the problem is the system that the 49ers use not the QB's. The 49er playbook is huge and they relay the plays the call late to the QB. Then the QB has to make in line play changes. A lot of times players get confused and line up wrong and that is the reason for the delays. This was obvious to anyone who actually watched and analyzed the delays as opposed to accepting the easy sound bite analysis of the talking heads who always want to blame everything on the rookie. --------Now in respect to locking in on a receiver that is observable by everyone and he does appear to do that. The erratic with throws and seeing ghosts in the pocket- would only refer you back to your own statement about cherry picking.

Your statements sound like an accumulation of generalizations that have been making the rounds since last year.I would be more acceptable to them if you hadn't included the clock management issue. That one is total BS and taints the rest of your list which is based purely on your own opinion. Do you know the difference between reason and rationalization. When we reason we look at facts to come to a conclusion. When we rationalize we look for facts to support a conclusion we have already come to. It seems to me that your arguments reflect the latter. You just came up with a list of things that have been bandied about by to support your own conclusion with out respect to if they actually make sense. Because some of them are of the sort that can neither be supported or denied.


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May 17, 2013
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I don't think it is out of line for a fan to say that he preferred Kaep to any of the other QB left in the playoffs. Different QB's are suited to different systems. I actually prefer Kaep to Payton right now. I just don't think he fits as well with this team just as Kaep wouldn't be as successful with Denver. I just don't think this line could give payton the protection he needs. They would also have to change the offense. Now just because a player is considered elite does not mean they would thrive in any system. Payton was smart enough to pick his system. I remember players who ended up on the wrong team and looked like busts until they got to the right team. Jim Plunkett for example.

I mean what makes a player elite- is it production over time. Look at Eli. He might have been considered elite at one time. Most were saying he was better than his brother. Is he elite now and do they still think he is better than his brother. The difference is that his team changed around him. That can happen to anyone at any time. Troy Aikman was good until his line got old and he lost his do everything RB. His stats went into the toilet and he was beaten into early retirement. Same player different team. Aikman was considered elite also. Till he started to suck. Elite isn't only about ability but depends a lot on timing. Watch enough football over a greater period of time and you might recognize that.


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Aug 4, 2011
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Not too many Qb in the league I would take over Kaep for the future. Maybe a few but that is it


Troll Hunter
Dec 2, 2010
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If that wasn't the most dominating performance by a 49er defender all season then it gets 2nd place to Bowman's CandlePick 6 game.


Haters gonna hate
Aug 4, 2011
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If that wasn't the most dominating performance by a 49er defender all season then it gets 2nd place to Bowman's CandlePick 6 game.



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Aug 21, 2013
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While Kaep has room for improvement and is not yet elite a lot of your assessments are in themselves general statements that anyone could make. As you yourself quote about cherry picking any QB even those considered elite have bouts of all of those short comings at one time or another. The question is who can quantify those. In respect to some of your statements---- One I would answer unless you are in the film room when the games and players are being assessed how would you know that Kaep doesn't read defenses well. You cant. Not really. That is the same response that Kaep gave to Trent Dilfer in that respect. No one except the coaches and team really knows why plays break down- unless the QB throws into coverage and then it's obvious unless the wr ran a wrong route. That's the point you don't know- you are mearly guessing. --------The statement that he has problems managing the clock is something that was put on both Alex and Kaep. I never bought into that for a variety of reasons. It is now obvious to more people- at least those that keep up with newer articles that the problem is the system that the 49ers use not the QB's. The 49er playbook is huge and they relay the plays the call late to the QB. Then the QB has to make in line play changes. A lot of times players get confused and line up wrong and that is the reason for the delays. This was obvious to anyone who actually watched and analyzed the delays as opposed to accepting the easy sound bite analysis of the talking heads who always want to blame everything on the rookie. --------Now in respect to locking in on a receiver that is observable by everyone and he does appear to do that. The erratic with throws and seeing ghosts in the pocket- would only refer you back to your own statement about cherry picking.

Your statements sound like an accumulation of generalizations that have been making the rounds since last year.I would be more acceptable to them if you hadn't included the clock management issue. That one is total BS and taints the rest of your list which is based purely on your own opinion. Do you know the difference between reason and rationalization. When we reason we look at facts to come to a conclusion. When we rationalize we look for facts to support a conclusion we have already come to. It seems to me that your arguments reflect the latter. You just came up with a list of things that have been bandied about by to support your own conclusion with out respect to if they actually make sense. Because some of them are of the sort that can neither be supported or denied.

The only point you made that might have merit is a fan's assessment of a QB's ability to read a defense (although I do think that that is related to the locking on the a receiver issue, which is super obvious). I'm going to have to politely say that I'm right and you're wrong about everything else. It's clear that his pocket awareness is very poor and he's culpable in the clock management issues. You just simply can't try to audible out of a play with 3 seconds left on the playclock and then eat a timeout or take a delay of game. Btw, I'm not just talking about getting the play off in time, I'm also talking about running out of bounds when he shouldn't or staying in bounds when he shouldn't.

I agree with the poster who said that there are very few QBs I would want going forward, which means factoring in his massive potential. But saying you would rather have him than a guy like Peyton if you want to win this year? Just lol. If we had Manning, we would have easily won the Superbowl last year and would be the clear favorites to win this year. Kap isn't even on the same planet as Manning when it comes to QB play, and Manning isn't even the best QB in the league. Kap is absolutely not an elite QB, I'm sorry.

Arete Tzu

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I don't think it is out of line for a fan to say that he preferred Kaep to any of the other QB left in the playoffs. Different QB's are suited to different systems. I actually prefer Kaep to Payton right now. I just don't think he fits as well with this team just as Kaep wouldn't be as successful with Denver. I just don't think this line could give payton the protection he needs. They would also have to change the offense. Now just because a player is considered elite does not mean they would thrive in any system. Payton was smart enough to pick his system. I remember players who ended up on the wrong team and looked like busts until they got to the right team. Jim Plunkett for example.


I have a hard time imagining Manning struggling with our system. He is the smartest QB in the league, and he can make any throw. He doesn't need as much protection from the line cause he makes quick reads and gets the ball out. He'd probably make our line look that much better.

You also point out that they'd have to change the offense, as if they didn't change it for kaep.


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I don't think it is out of line for a fan to say that he preferred Kaep to any of the other QB left in the playoffs. Different QB's are suited to different systems. I actually prefer Kaep to Payton right now. I just don't think he fits as well with this team just as Kaep wouldn't be as successful with Denver. I just don't think this line could give payton the protection he needs. They would also have to change the offense. Now just because a player is considered elite does not mean they would thrive in any system. Payton was smart enough to pick his system. I remember players who ended up on the wrong team and looked like busts until they got to the right team. Jim Plunkett for example.

Are we talking about the Peyton Manning who, on average, got the ball out of his hand in well under three seconds? I'm pretty sure he'd be just fine behind our OL. The staff has clearly changed the system for Kap. If we had successfully added Manning two years ago, I'd imagine it would have been relatively easy to get him going in our system.


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Props to the line and Joe Staley for pitching a shutout!! Havent had enough posts to start a thread but we need a Joe Staley appreciation thread..

Release the Kraken? 49ers‘ Joe Staley, with film study, wouldn’t allow it | NFL Football | The State

After a somewhat shaky first 12 minutes, the OL really stepped up the rest of the game. Starting with that final drive in the 2nd through the end of the game, this team hit its stride as well as it has all season. Hopefully we can pick up right where we left off next week.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
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Another Olineman I want to say good game to is A. Davis. We haven't heard is name in awhile. That's a good thing for the olineman.


Lefty 99
Aug 11, 2010
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what was bad was the Skuta sack. It was a regular tackle for a sack and he got a flag for nothing. That is what is bad. U can't tackle low, High or in the middle any more. How do you tackle a QB now? Also what about the helmet to helmet on Kap in the 1st. No call. What a joke.

Two awful calls in the game. One went for us (PI on VD gave us a FG) and one against (Skuta's PI which resulted in no points).

Neither, thankfully, determined the game.


Lefty 99
Aug 11, 2010
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I think Purguy should smoke a little of what Toby is smoking and vice versa. Both these bros have no clue about the game of football. It's like they aren't even watching the same game everyone else is watching.

Purguy- take off the homer-colored glasses. Leave that to the Seahawks fans.

Toby- if you want to be a 49ers fan you need to take off the neon green glasses and get a grip

Nolan is and always has been a concern troll.

Urban Dictionary: concern troll

It's gotten him banned from at least four boards I know of. Best to ignore him.


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Two awful calls in the game. One went for us (PI on VD gave us a FG) and one against (Skuta's PI which resulted in no points).

Neither, thankfully, determined the game.

I'd have to re-watch it, but I didn't think the call on Davis was terrible. It wasn't PI. It was unnecessary roughness, and he was hit after the ball - which he realistically had not shot at - had already hit the ground. It could have gone uncalled, but my recollection is that it was definitely a hard hit that came late.


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I'd have to re-watch it, but I didn't think the call on Davis was terrible. It wasn't PI. It was unnecessary roughness, and he was hit after the ball - which he realistically had not shot at - had already hit the ground. It could have gone uncalled, but my recollection is that it was definitely a hard hit that came late.

The call was totally legit. The ball is on the ground and bouncing up when Davis got nailed. To me it should have been a penalty and it was a cheap shot...and they should look into tossing guys for shit like that.


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This is the first game in a while I would say the Niners got more calls than the opponent did. It wasn't by a huge margin, but I think SF got the advantage of the refs' inconsistency this time.

I don't expect it to happen again because they're not the Packers or Steelers (or a team with a HOF QB).


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From one old man's memory......

1) Panthers were trying to be bullies and talking crap. Act like you've been there before.
2) VD unnecessary roughness call is a crappy rule but it's the rule. Also, if they weren't talking so much garbage it might not get called. The refs were likely trying to maintain control of the game early.
3) Boldin should have been called for his head butt. We got away with that one. BUT if you watch the film, taunting could have been called multiple times on both teams in Q-1.
4) 12 men in the huddle....I don't know, the ref says he called it right but it sure looks like he blew it in play before McD left huddle. That being said, no guarantee that kills the drive. It's five yards and we're generally better outside 10.
5) Florence PI. You can't hit the guy and face guard. If he turned around he MIGHT have gotten away with it.
6) Skuta call was HORRIBLE. This officiating crew is consistently bad on that call, at least against us.
7) Harbs should have been penalized (and he was) for being on the field but I doubt this is being called consistently across league. I bet it's a point of emphasis next year.
8) DB punching Patton....called and it should have been. Maturity and lack of discipline.

The biggest issue is maturity and experience. The Panthers worried about the calls and let it get in their head. You have to have a short memory on stuff like that. It affected their D's mental state in my opinion. The calls themselves did not affect the ultimate outcome of the game.