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Series Thread: M's Homestead: June 28th - July 7th


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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I will level with you on two things one is that ownership is a problem as John Stanton isn't even top 15 in terms of net worth when it comes to owners in the MLB in which I believe there is financial restraint with operations on the ball club. An owner with a net worth of around 1 Billion probably doesn't want to see an annual payroll of 220-315 million.

Also, if we miss the playoffs now 2 years in a row then yes management would owe a big explanation to the fans and that would personally start to change my opinion. However someone said which is completely ridiculous to me in that if the Mariners made it to the ALCS and lost they should still fire management.
The problem with ownership approach is they want to go with the safe route to profits.

It's not that they don't have the money to spend on acquiring big time players. It's the risk that they could spend it and not get the results that would up the gate by more than enough to fully pay for it.

The formula they are using means they need to get lucky with the payroll they have because the risks are much lower.

And yes, you do conflate postings from multiple people. I haven't called for everyone to be fired. I'd love to see an upgrade at skipper because it's obvious he's not a top 10 manager, but if ownership isn't willing to spend money they aren't likely to replace him with anyone better anyway. A top level manager isn't going to take a job on a team that isn't willing to spend to fill holes and give them every tool they want.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,273.33
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Because it essentially is a tear down. This team is built on the vision of JD if you bring in new management they are going to come in with their own vision of how to manage a franchise. They will most likely get rid of the manager Servais and the coaching staff and that alone will change the entire chemistry of the locker room because as he has been the manager going on 8 years so we don't know the possible negative or positive response players would have to that because guys like Kirby, Gilbert, and J Rod have known him their professional career. We don't know the effects of new coaches, management and players coming to the team changing chemistry. Could things get better? Possibly yes, to me is it worth the risk as we are in first place in the West on the majors level with a very good farm system put together? To me I wouldn't pull that plug until we make major leaps backwards and start finishing below .500 at the end of the season.
You can have a new fresh vision and not go through a tear down. Scotty, Jerry and other dumbasses aren't a gold standard of MLB that Mariners are making some huge mistake firing them. Outside of 1 very short playoff appearance, they're failures.


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I will level with you on two things one is that ownership is a problem as John Stanton isn't even top 15 in terms of net worth when it comes to owners in the MLB in which I believe there is financial restraint with operations on the ball club. An owner with a net worth of around 1 Billion probably doesn't want to see an annual payroll of 220-315 million.

Also, if we miss the playoffs now 2 years in a row then yes management would owe a big explanation to the fans and that would personally start to change my opinion. However someone said which is completely ridiculous to me in that if the Mariners made it to the ALCS and lost they should still fire management.
John Stanton isn’t the owner, he is the face of an ownership group.


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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You can have a new fresh vision and not go through a tear down. Scotty, Jerry and other dumbasses aren't a gold standard of MLB that Mariners are making some huge mistake firing them. Outside of 1 very short playoff appearance, they're failures.
And it’s not like fans are asking for them to get the highest paid manager. They hired Vogt last year and now he is in the manager of the year conversations. Crap, they could fire Servais and bring Nelson Cruz in for an interview


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I just thought of a brilliant idea. Fire Servais, then give the managers job to Haniger so his stupid contract comes off the books


Jul 13, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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