Well-Known Member
The fact he took out Lindros, Pandolfo and almost Jones on one hit is amazing.
The fact he took out Lindros, Pandolfo and almost Jones on one hit is amazing.
Awaiting equally poignant, informative response.OHHHHHHHH MYYYYYY GOSSSSSSSH.
You went THERE? It's neanderthal-ish, it's primitive, it's unevolved. The game must evolve with what we know. We know too much to allow idiocy to occur. Up until the middle of the 20th century, everyone smoked. Then people discovered how smoking is pretty darn unhealthy, so guess what?! People stopped. The government stepped in to make selling cigarettes tougher, to protect the people. Well, until I'd say the past 15 years, concussions weren't regarded as a very big deal, even in the sports medicine community. Then research on the subject began to increase, and we know now how dangerous these incidents are. So, as a member of the sports medicine community, I champion the "crusade" to eliminate idiocy like these hits (yes, BOTH hits) from the game. They are NOT necessary to the game and they are harmful to the athletes that I and my colleagues protect. The league stepped in in the case of Prust and suspended him for two games, as they should have (perhaps a few more). The league will also step in and suspend Moore, as they should. Just as in the cigarette analogy with the government stepping in, the league is stepping in to protect it's players. Retaliation is the excuse meatheads use to head hunt a guy. If a player has a mind of his own, he wouldn't deem that garbage necessary, he'd be more focused on winning the damn game. This isn't the Coliseum, we don't need to see people die to be entertained. Protect the players on the ice because they're human beings, treat the players on the ice the same way, or you will not have my respect. Sorry I didn't play the game because it's expensive and there were no girl's leagues when I was growing up...but don't you dare make that seem like I somehow don't understand it.
I use public toilets and i piss on the seats![]()
Yeah... well I walk around in the summer time saying "how about that HEAT!?!"
Sometimes I park in handicaped spaces,
Sometimes I park in handicaped spaces,
The primary difference between these two illegal hits is that the head of Dale Weise was the "main point of contact" delivered from the shoulder of John Moore in Tuesday night's game and as such, fell under the parameters and language of rule 48 - illegal check to the head. Brandon Prust, on the other hand, initiated shoulder contact to the upper chest/shoulder of Derek Stepan and as the Habs player drove up and through the hit, "significant contact" resulted to the head of Stepan. No penalty was assessed to Prust on this play (missed by all four officials) but since this illegal check was very late, blindside in nature and excessive in the degree of violence asserted, a major and game misconduct should have resulted for interference (rule 56.4/.5). While it might sound like "wordsmithing" (main point of contact versus significant contact), these are important distinctions for the referee to judge when assessing the appropriate penalty. Regardless of the terminology or rule application, both Prust and Moore deserved to be expelled from the game pending any subsequent decision by the Player Safety Committee.